Chapter Twelve

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"You know, i still remember the first time I saw you on that plane. You were so beautiful. I knew you were special. Tia, you showed me what real love is in many ways than one. I'm a damn fool! I should've listened to you! I'm so so sorry."
Michael broke down.
"I can't believe you kept on that ring. You really do love me. I didn't mean those things I said to you. Tia when I realized that I put my hands on you, I wanted to kill myself. I cut myself that night too. I was so fucking angry! I never did something like that before. And now you're scared of me! I don't want you to die! When I saw you shoot yourself, it felt like my heart stopped. Tia you may not believe this, but I love you. I love you more than life itself. I'm gonna take care of you best I can!"
I felt him kiss my forehead. He held my hand. Wait. I felt that! I squeezed his hand. His crying stopped and his head shot up.
I squeezed his hand again.
"M-Michael. MmmmMichael."
"Yes BabyGirl, its me! It's Michael. Can you open those beautiful eyes for me?"
I slowly lifted my eyelids. The lights were blinding me. I looked over and saw Michael. His face lit up with joy.
All of a sudden a crowed of people came in. And then doctors. I heard them all chattering. A tear fell down my face.
"I'm so sorry Michael!"
"No no no no! You have nothing to be sorry about!"
He hugged me. And kissed my forehead.
3 days later...
I was released. Janet tried to cheer me up by taking my picture.

 Janet tried to cheer me up by taking my picture

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Janet was gonna stay with Michael and I. When we got back to Neverland, My hawk carried me upstairs. He laid me down and tucked me in. He kissed my forehead.
He got n the bed with me and faced my way. He stroked my cheek. We just stared at each other.
"Michael, I'm sorry I caused you-"
"Shhhh, it's okay baby. I'm just glad you're back. But Tia, why didn't you tell me you were sick?"
I sighed.
"I don't know, I guess I didn't wanna worry you."
"It's okay."
He held me close. We ended up falling asleep. Michael woke me up. He lifted off my shirt, and and opened my bandage. He had to check my bandage for bleeding. I winced as he looked at it. They had to also do a tiny surgery on my heart. I was was getting worse everyday. He cleaned it and put a new bandage on. The nurse came in and hooked me up to my new IV. I noticed Michael staring out the window. A tear came from his.
"Miele, come here."
He quickly snaps out his thoughts and wipes his tears and puts on a fake smile. He comes to the bed and sits on it, holding my hands.
"Yes, baby? You okay?"
"Do you need me to lay you down, or call the doctor?"
He sighs and breaks down.
I grab him and hold his head. I stroke his hair. Then tears come down my eyes. All of a sudden Janet walks in crying. She climbs on the bed and lays on my chest. See if you didnt know, ever since I started living with Michael, Janet and I hung out and talked almost everyday. She was very close to me. We were all laying on the bed, crying our eyes out, until all three of us fell asleep.
1 week later...

I couldn't walk anymore. My body shut down everyday. No one found a blood transfusion yet. My time was running out. Michael and his whole family, and my friends were at my bedside. Breath was leaving slowly leaving.
"Michael, c-come here please."
He was crying so much.
"I love you."
His mother was holding him as he broke down. Just then the home nurse bust through the door.

To Be Continued...
Thanks for reading! Book Two will start in Late March. I'm writing a new story before Book Two called Can't Let Her Get Away! I'll start that in late February. Thanks again!

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