Chapter Nine

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2 weeks later...
It was Thanksgiving morning. I woke up and got on top of Michael. I sat on him. See, I noticed that Michael is the type of person that won't sleep without me. If I'm with him, he will sleep through anything, even if there was a hurricane, or an earthquake. I decided to mess with him. I ran my finger on Michael's nose. He jumped and rubbed his nose. Then I opened his eyelids. He closed them right back. Then I did something I've never done before. I gave him a purple nurple. He jumped up, and held his nipple. He looked so wild! I bust out laughing so hard, tears were coming out of my eyes.

 He looked so wild! I bust out laughing so hard, tears were coming out of my eyes

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I kept on laughing and laughing. He started chuckling.
"You know you have a beautiful smile, and laugh."
I blushed.
"I'm sorry about your nipple."
He laughed.
"Come on let's get ready to go to my parents."
I got up off Michael, and Michael got out of the bed. We made it, and went to the bathroom. We both brush our teeth. Michael kept bumping into me. We washed our faces. Michael straightened his hair. Then we got ready. We both black and white.

 We both black and white

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When we made it to Joseph and Katherine's, there were cars parked everywhere

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When we made it to Joseph and Katherine's, there were cars parked everywhere. Michael wanted me to make some more cinnamon and brown sugar croissant dough. We inside. Everyone turned around, and smiled when they saw Michael. Michael took me around and introduced me to everyone. I got hugs from everybody. I helped Katherine and the girls in the kitchen. They all complemented me and were so nice. I liked Janet the most. Michael was in the living room with the guys. We would steal looks from time to time. Then he came in the kitchen. I was still making the croissants.
"It smells good in here."
He stole a croissant from the first batch I made.
"Miele! No! Vajase!"
"Please let me stay?"
"No! Las mujeres only!"
"Que no! Now go, I'll start talking angry in Italian!"
"Okay! Okay! Can I get one kiss?"
I stood on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He held my waist and kissed me. As we kissed, I tickled his sides.
"Ah no!"
He picked me up, and I screamed.
"Ladies, I'm gonna steal Tia for just a moment."
He set me on the couch and tickled me to death.
He stop and I ran back to the kitchen, the girls had watched in amusement.
"Girl, I've never seen Michael happy! He really loves you and I can tell you love him."
Janet and LaToya laughed.
"With all my heart."
Thanksgiving dinner came. The girls and I set up dishes of food. The boys set the table. We all sat down at the table. I sat next to Michael, of course, and we said grace and passed around the food. I enjoyed talking and laughing with his family. I noticed Rebbie giving me an odd look during dinner.
"So Michael, how'd you two meet?"
Michael looked at Rebbie, me, and back to Rebbie.
"She was hired on my tour as a my photographer, and helper, and we met on the plane. We had a nice conversation, and we just clicked."
"And what happened to Tatianna?"
"She was cheating on me with a guy, and then she slapped me, so I broke up with her. Tia was there for me, and I was there for her."
"Oh, that's nice."
We all are in silence again, and then Rebbie spoke.
"Tia, you're really pretty, and I noticed you have an accent. What are you?"
"Oh um, I'm black, Italian, and Mexican."
"Any children?"
I stopped eating and looked down.
Michael rubbed my back.
"Tia, you don't have to-"
"No it's okay. Um, I was pregnant when I was 16, put I lost him after 5 months of term."
Katherine had sad eyes.
"I thought you said you were still pure?"
"I am, but I worked for this obgyn, and he was obsessed with me, and he artificially inseminated me. Then I hid from him when I found out it worked. He found, me 5 months later and..."
I stood up and lifted my shirt.
"He slashed me. So I lost it. I didn't tell anyone but Michael and I wasn't gonna tell anyone else, but, yeah."
"I'm sorry, I didn't know."
"Oh that's cool. How old are you?"
"I'm 20."
"20? You know Michael's 32 right?"
"Yeah so?"
Michael rolled his eyes.
"What does that have to do with anything Rebbie?"
"Oh I don't know, don't you think you're a little too...."
"To what?"
"Too young. I mean, come on. It's not normal."
"Okay Rebbie that's enough! You always do that! Can't you just accept the fact that I love her, and she loves me? Stop playing 21 questions! The poor girl has had a rough past as it is. And besides, she already played that with Joseph!"
"No Michael it's okay. Um can I please be excused I'm not feeling well."
Katherine smiled softly.
"Go ahead honey."
I got up and walked outside through the sliding glass door that was in the dining room. I sat on the bench and let the window flow through my hair. There was a lump in my throat. I was doing good not crying. I can't now. I felt Michael and his family watching me, so I just kept my cool. I heard the door open, and close. Then I felt hands rub up and down my arms. It was Michael. He kneeled down on the grass and looked in my eyes.
"It okay, don't be afraid. Let it out."
Tears formed in my eyes. I hated how he could read my like a book. I burst into tears. I got on the ground with him and threw my arms around Michael's neck, and scoop me up. I felt him turn around, and give Rebbie a dirty look through the window. She felt bad. I just cried for a long time. Then Michael leaned against bench and I sat between his legs, and held his arms that were holding me.
"You know, Michael, not a day goes by, that I dream about Landin. He was a beautiful baby, and I wanted him. I loved him."
"I'm so sorry Tia. No matter what, I will always be here for you. Look at me."
I turned my head and he lifted my chin. I looked him in the eyes.
"I love you Tia."
"I love you Michael."
He kissed me and my forehead, and hugged me one more time. He got up, and help me up, and when we walked back everyone was watching. I sat back down, along with Michael. He held my hand the rest of the time. We all just ate the rest of the food in silence, then when dessert came, we each had our own conversations. The croissants were gone in seconds. I had 4, Michael had 7, and the others, I don't even know anymore. Afterwards, they showed baby pictures, and laughed and talked. Michael and I decided to stay the night. Michael was in the shower, and I decided to help Katherine clean up the dishes.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Listen honey, I just want you to know, I admire you. You are so strong and beautiful inside and out. I'm sorry my family acts like fools, but know that you always have my approval."
I gave her a hug.
"Let me lend you in on a secret. Michael hasn't stop talking about marrying you one day. Did you know, I even found he asked one of his brothers about sex?"
I gasped and turned so red.
"H-he did?"
"Yep, the boy is addicted to you!"
I smiled wide. I felt special.
"Mother?! Why did you tell her?!"
We saw Michael over in the corner. He was as red as a fire truck. I giggle and turned red too. I went over to him and hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"It's okay Miele, I think it's flattering and cute."
"It's embarrassing!"
"It's not, cause I know you respect me, and my body. And it lets me know you wanna take your time too."
He smiled and pecked my lips.
Katherine chuckled.
"Well you two, I'll leave you alone now. And Michael don't raid the kitchen like last year!"
We both laughed.
"I'll put some more croissants in the oven."
"Alright then goodnight."
When she left, we went over to the fridge and stove. I got out the dough and Michael turned on the stove. We both worked together, and I showed Michael how to make them. We both had fun, and laughed the whole time, but still making sure to be quiet. We ate croissants, and talked.
"How do you make these so good?!"
"It was mi abuela's recipe. She made a lot of yummy things. She passed when I was 5, so I took her cook book everywhere with me. I keep it in the kitchen at home."
He smiled.
"Nothing, it's just, you called Neverland home."
"Yeah, cause you're my home."
He grabbed me and hugged me and kissed me. I held him tight. Then we went upstairs to bed.

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