"Bronxy, you alright?" He replies by groaning and pulling his blankets around his shoulders tighter. Poor kid, a week being sick really drained the energy out of him. "Do you want that medicine Patrick brought from work?" I ask while stroking his hair, he shakes his head and I sigh. "I have another appointment with Nick in an hour, then therapy after that so I'll make sure Patrick stays home" I tell him, he nods and grabs his phone from his side table, before leaving the room I kiss his alarmingly warm forehead.

Patrick greats me outside of his room with a chaste kiss. His hair is gelled up which is weird but it looks hot, he's shirtless and his flannels are hanging low on his hips. "Hey cutie" he smirks, I run my hands up his chest and circle my fingers around his nipples. "I'm really not cute like this" I tell him, his eyes scan my body and he scoffs "you're always cute, dummy." I'm wearing an yellow, hideous hoodie from high school and black ripped jeans, my hair is a complete mess and my roots are starting to show. "I'm a mess Pattycakes" he snorts at the nickname and ruffles my hair "don't put yourself down like that kiddo, you're pretty cute." I glare at him and pout, he kisses my pout and wiggles his hips while heading to the kitchen.

Declan is downstairs with Sam, they are both eating (my) Lucky Charms straight out of the box, giggling. "'Trickkkk, they're eating my cereal" I whine at my boyfriend, he rolls his eyes and bites into an apple. Declan snorts "you sound like a three year old" and Sam agrees. "'Trickkk they're bullying me" I whine again, he kisses his sons head and takes a handful of cereal from the box and shoves it in his mouth. "Good job kids, maybe if we bully him for long enough he'll tell his mom" I drop my mouth in fake offense, the two sixteen year olds burst out laughing.

"I'll have you know that my mom doesn't like you cause you got her little angel pregnant" I tell him with a know-it-all attitude. Patrick gasps and kisses my cheek "well tell your mother that I would like to meet her, I'm very good with parents." I laugh "whatever you say Pattycakes" and wrap my arm around his bare waist.

"Well Pete, I'm happy to tell you that you're three weeks pregnant and the fetus seems healthy. You are lucky, most male pregnancies don't end that well but you kicked that theories ass, I mean look at Bronx" Nick was such a bubbly man, he was a great guy too. "Thanks Nick, do you wanna come to Bronx's first gig with his band this weekend. I want you two to meet, I think he would be happy to meet you."

Nick smiles and cleans the blue gel off of my stomach "sure, can I bring my boyfriend?" I wiggle my eyebrows and pull my shirt back on "what's his name?" He blushes and pulls off his gloves "his name is Jack and he has long fingers" he wiggles his eyebrows back at me. "Dude, I can't wait to meet him" I tell him while pulling my (fake, oh so fake) Yeezys on, he smiles "when, where and what time?" "Gimmie your phone" I tell him, he unlocks it and hands it to me where I type my number in and Pete😜. He takes his phone back and snorts "really, you use emojis, what are you ten?"

I leave my therapist's office with a new prescription for some medication I had never heard of, I knew it was for my mood but I was sure drugs wouldn't be good for the baby even if they were only prescribed. I saw Patrick sitting on the hood of my car with a brown bag that had LUSH in big letters on it. "What's that paper Mr. Wentz?" He asks and blows a bubble with the gum in his mouth. "Noneya Dr. Stump"I tell him and unlock my car, he pops into the passenger seat. "What's in the bag?" I ask him, he smacks his lips "face masks and bath bombs, requested by your healthy and slightly high son." I climb into the passenger seat, I stick my keys into the ignition and slap the back of his head "you let Bronx smoke?" He bites his lips and nods "I'm sorry?" I scoff and shut my door "you don't sound to apologetic" I tell him while pulling out of my parking spot. "Peteeee, I'm sorry" he giggles, I roll my eyes. Wait is he high, I stare at him then notice that his eyes are red and so is his nose. "Jesus Patrick, you're fucking high? What's wrong with you" I hiss at my stupid boyfriend. 
 I ignore him for the rest of the ride, he doesn't seem to mind though because he keeps giggling and acting like a five year old on drugs, which is literally what he was.

Once Patrick and the Kid's high has worn off I let Bronx, Declan and Sam do their face masks. Bronx starts to strut around shirtless when he has finished applying his, Sam and Declan keep kissing each other which messes up their masks a bit.

I walk into the living room where Patrick is playing a guitar that I had never seen before. "Who's guitar is that?" I ask him while running my hands through his messy hair, he smile and keeps playing "mine." I can't recognize what he's playing but it sounds nice, he's humming along which is nice too. I grab my laptop from where it had been resting and sit next to him, I start to work on the section I had been writing the past few days. My hands fly over the computer keys and the words flow from my brain to the screen, I can tell Patrick is reading along but it doesn't seem to disturb his playing.

Bronx comes into the room, the face mask still covering his face and now a spot on his chest. "Sounds good Pops" he says and starts to skim through my CD collection with his back to us. Patrick looks up and smiles a "thanks" then goes back to his playing.

"Does he have tattoos of his hips or am I going crazy?" He whispers to me, I nod and keep typing. "Who let him get one?" He hisses. "I did" I tell him and save my writing, knowing a shit storm is coming. "That's kinda irresponsible but at least it's not a tramp stamp" he whispers and strums his guitar a bit louder "what are they?" I shrug and thats when Bronx steps in "It's a sun on the left and a moon on the right. I thought it was like deep care the I wanna be like Andrew, he has the good parts of his life on one side and the bad parts on the other." 
"You really like Andy don't you?" I ask him and wiggle my eyebrows. He snorts "he's pretty Dad, but unless he happens to have a younger clone of himself, I'm not interested." Me and Patrick both chuckle, Patrick sets his guitar down and nuzzles my side. Bronx smiles at us and goes to wash his mask off.

"Pete, how was Bronx growing up?" Patrick asks me. "He loved superheroes up till age eight then it was star wars and harry potter all the way. My baby is such a nerd, anyways he stuck with the nerdy stuff until he started to get bullied, that was bad, he would only leave his room to eat and he had to go to therapy for a while." I see Patrick's frown "don't worry, he started to be the cheer filled bubbly boy I raised. God, Patrick I was so proud of him. So he was twelve almost thirteen, I had just finished my book and he started to play soccer. Remember how I got offered a scholarship at DePaul but I had to decline cause somebody knocked me up, yeah. But he got my soccer skills and he's really super good, he was almost able to outrun our old dog. Um, we had to move and he started to ignore me again, I took away his friends so I kinda understood where he was coming from but I'm not shitting you when I tell you he ignored me for six months until he snapped and punched a wall through my door. I'm gonna leave out the rest of that year for another time. So, at fourteen we moved again and we moved here, but it took a year for him to make one friend. I took him to see a therapist again, he got diagnosed with anxiety—" Patrick started to cry, he covered up his face and shook his head. "keep going." I nod and kiss his forehead "he still has anxiety but he has gotten it better under control than I could of ever had myself. On his Sixteenth birthday I let him get the tattoo and he meet his friends that he has now. I might of been a single father but I think I raised a pretty good kid."

"I think so too" I hear Bronx from behind us. Patrick starts to cry harder, but he's smiling too which is all good. "B, I didn't know you were there" I awkwardly rub Patricks back, Bronx flops onto my lap and gives me a dopey smile. "I love you guys so much" Patrick sobs and hugs us both. "Did you take a dose of feelings Patrick? Cause I've never seen you like this" I chuckle, he just presses a kiss to Bronx's forehead. "I feel left out" Declan whines "wheres Sammy?" Bronx giggles, Declan pouts and sits on Declan's lap.

I groan under the weight of two tiny teenagers, Declan wraps his arms around Bronx and buries his face in Bronx's chest. Patrick rubs Declan's shoulders and leans on me "guys, I'm gonna break under all your guy's fat asses!" I groan. "My ass is beautiful, thank you very much" Patrick says muffled into my shirt. "Yeah, Pops is a total Dilf" Bronx giggles, I burst out laughing and Patrick punches my shoulder lightly. Declan shifts his weight from me to Patrick who wraps his arms around him and smiles.

an: shout out to who knows who nick Martin is cause I love him so much and he called me 'rad'

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