"Dude that looks more expensive than my fucking house" Joe gawks when I show him the ring I was going to use to propose to Pete with. I laugh "yeah, Pete better like this." Joe licks his lips "you sure this isn't too soon?" I shake my head "I'm a pretty straight forward person and I know that I want to fucking marry that man. Don't fucking care if we've only been dating three-ish months, I mean we have a child together Joe and by that point, most people would think of getting married." Joe chews on the end of his cigarette then pulls it out of his mouth "he might freak, 'm just saying." He tells me while releasing smoke from his nostrils. I throw my cigarette stub onto the sidewalk and stomp it out with the heel of my boot "let's pray for the best eh?" He laughs, putting out his cigarette as well and we go back inside.

"Are we all packed?" I ask my boyfriend who has a giant grin on his face, he dyed his hair pink after Bronx suggested it. He looked like a popsicle and it was adorable, he was a teenager stuck in an adult's body. "Yeah Bronx and Kaleb are on their way in B's car, they are taking Dec, Sam, the Iero kid Junior, and I think Ruby and Bandit," he tells me then starts to chew on his bottom lip. Brendon comes up from behind Pete and kisses him on the cheek "drunk before one pm, I love spring break!" He hollers while Pete wrinkles his nose. Brendon was in love with two guys at the same time, he couldn't make up his mind so he was going to be single these next two weeks.

"You didn't answer my question sweetheart, " I tell Pete while sipping on my iced mocha. "Yea, we are... where did you get that?" He grabs my drink and takes a loud sip, I laugh "Andrew brought a few, guess you didn't get one." He pouts when I pull the drink out of his hand but then he smiles when I kiss his cheek.

We watch Joe's minivan (which I made fun of him for having but he just told me to 'fuck off' cause it was 'practical') drive away first, then followed by Brendon's Range Rover (Brendon wasn't driving because he was too drunk to even walk, Ray was driving) then Kaleb's SUV and then Gabe's Mercedes-Benz. Pete pulls out of the driveway after him in my Jeep, we have most of the luggage in our cars but everyone else was split up in different cars. In Joe's car were Andy, Gerard, and Frank. Brendon had Mikey and Ray then the rest of the luggage. Kaleb's car was an SUV so all the kids were in there, probably getting high. Gabe was just him and Travis, still don't know why we invited the two but apparently, Gabe wouldn't let Kaleb go if he and Travis couldn't come.

"I didn't know you liked Britney Spears," I tell Pete as he finally gets to put his playlist on shuffle. He shrugs "she's pretty cool, I like a lot of shit that you don't know about." I pull my hat down further and slump in my seat "like what?" He shakes his head "tell me more about yourself Pattycakes, how was your childhood, what's your darkest fear... y'know all that. I need to know more 'bout you."

"My dad died when I was seven, he was a hard smoker and an alcoholic so he deserved the liver failure. That was pretty hard on me but my mom taught me how to be strong, Russians aren't little pussy's." I laugh, she's such vulgar women. "That's what she taught me. My childhood was shitty, seeing as I was a Russian kid growing up in Chicago, not to mention I was fat and had a gay boy crush on Bowie." I see him frowning out of the corner of my eye, I think he knows where this was going. "I got bullied, for about three years until for a whole summer long I eat nothing but carrots and maybe the occasional sandwich. I came back to school as a skinny Patrick and the bullying stopped.... That's really everything important" I tell him, he's gonna ask about Elisa. "What about Elisa?"

I grab my wallet off of the dashboard, open it and fish out to two rings that were linked on a chain. Elisa's with the cluster of diamonds on it and my simple silver band. "We got married two years after I graduated, we actually met a year after I fucked you, oh man I loved her so much Pete. She was my first love and I don't think I will ever feel like that again, no offense" he chuckles "none taken." I smile and slip my old ring onto my ring finger. "She was so fucking smart and beautiful, she was caring and God I'm pretty sure she's the only reason I'm bisexual. We adopted Declan a few weeks after she got married, after finding out she wasn't able to have kids. Dec made our relationship stronger than ever, we had a beautiful little house until we had to move because he needed more space to play. Lisa was the first person I ever cried to, besides my mom, I hate letting people see me cry because it makes me feel exposed. When we found out she couldn't have kids I cried into her arms all night and it really felt good to have someone be there when I cry. Her and Dec were the lights of my life, they made everything one hundred times better so image how I felt when we found out s-she didn't have long left..." Pete places his hand on my thigh and rubs his softly "I could never imagine that it sounds like she was an amazing women Trick, I would have loved to meet her."

"Pete I promised myself I would never do this again the day Lisa died, the whole falling in love shit. But hey here I am.." I pull the tiny velvet box out of my pocket, not letting him see it. "Pull over" he obeys and pulls over. "Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the Third, will you bring back the light that Lisa had and marry me" I choke out the last few words and open the box. He starts to sob and nods "of course, oh my fucking God of course." He wraps his arms around me and we cry together. "I love you" He rubs his eyes and puts the ring on his ring finger. I laugh and wipe my eyes "I love you too."

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