Importance of Organization

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This is a topic I believe needs to be discussed, just like how I felt Journal Writing needed to be. With organization, it is key to being able to write properly. You may do as you please as a writer, be as messy as you want, but my advice says you may try other methods. By reading this information, you must have some interest in organization. If you ask what does organization have to do with writing, think about these questions. What is plot outlining? What is a character outline? Why would you be wanting to read information about organizing your writing? All of this is a way to organize your writing. If you don't organize your writing then all of your work would be a mess. 

This page will be short, but this is only to provide clarity to those of you out there believing that you don't have to be organized to be a writer, which is true, you don't. But to be successful, you'll need organization, to a certain degree, to survive.

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