Plot Outlining

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This has to be one of my favorite things about writing stories, plot outlining. The basic parts of plot outlining is knowing the beginning, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. There is more to it than just that. Here is an example of what I mean.

The Alternative Little Red Riding Hood

* Little Red is told her grandmother is sick.

* Little Red bakes for her grandmother.

* Little Red starts off on the road.

* She travels over a bridge and says hi to some friendly faces to have the wolf interrupt.

* She becomes paranoid feeling as if someone is watching her and then figures she is being silly.

* She gets to her grandmothers and notices that her grandmother is avoiding her so she tries to understand on her own why.

* She ends up hearing muffled screams from the basement and her grandmother tells her it's okay.

* She gives her the goodies and realizes that grandmother isn't the grandmother, it is actually the wolf from earlier.

* The wolf tries to hurt her but she ends up locking herself in the basement.

* She ungags her grandmother and they head out of the window well.

* The wolf finds them and hurts the grandmother and then Little Red is left helpless as an axeman comes in and saves them both.

* The axeman is known as a savior and a warrior and he escorts them to town.

* They throw a party in honor of the axeman's bravery.

* Late at night Little Red is sleeping and has a nightmare of the wolf, she wakes up and her grandmother comes in a calm her down, just so she could transform into a wolf and devour her.

This is what I mean, writing the series of important events in the story in order to give your story structure and organization to be able to write the story more fluently.

The link attached to this page holds more information about Plot Outlining.

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