Poem 11: Bubble

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Author's note:)

Free verse poem


You've put yourself in a bubble.
You think you're finally safe in this sheltered haven you've built.
You caught little glimpses of a hidden joy in the secret meadow,
By a pool of crystal untouched by breath or leaf,
In the locked away bubble you've made to be the glue of your heart.
Then of course you've realized
The beautiful flowers in your perfect hidden meadow
Sprouted from the seeds of lies, hate, fear,
Into your perfectly built bubble.
The seductive flowers were beautifully toxic.
Their roots tainted the untouched;
The crystal rippled, shook, cracked.
You then of course set an alluringly destructive inferno to the tainted beauties.
Of course, then you sat back and watched yourself burn with them;
With your bubble of lies,
With the crumbles of clouded crystal,
With the withering petals of crimson,
With your twelfth last chance at survival.

Then your burned corpse
Builds another bubble out of these ashes
Darker than the last,
Which had been darker than the past,
Which was of course darker than the first.
You plant new seeds.
New lies.
Just for another few glimpses
Of a false joy in an empty meadow;
By a tainted crystal churning like a storming sea;
In the popped bubble
That let the pieces of your heart slip again into the darkness,
And you're alone in the void.

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