Chapter one

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(After OC takes Spidy's powers...)

(Spider-Man's POV.)

Octavious threw me across the hall, away from the hole in the wall looking down on the trapped hero's and away from Ant May.

"Peter!" She called out to me.

I landed hard on the ground. I groaned, seeing I no longer had Spider strength... It hurt...Alot.

"Peter Parker. Former Spider-Man. Weak. Helpless. Useless. Nobody cares about plain old Peter Parker and they never will. You are nothing." Octavious laughed as he made his way over to me.

"Spidy!" A new voice called.
"What?!? Impossible!!!" Octavious screamed as something threw him against the wall.

I couldn't move. Two strong arms rolled me over onto my back. I saw Tiger's mask. I managed a weak smile.
"Come on S- where's your mask? Spiderm-" Tiger began
"Not Spider-Man my dear... Only Peter Parker. That's all there is." Octavious siad coming up behind her.

Her eyes went wide as her head snapped back around to look at me.

"What is he talking abo-" She asked, lacing our fingers together gently, I groaned. She cut herself short, realization taking her mask over.

"Did...did they..."
"Take his powers? Yes-" Kraven stopped to laugh, "We did."

I nodded.
"Oh god." she whispered.

I feel my breaths becoming more short and distant. Everything slowly turned white. Tiger gasped quietly and shook my shoulders lightly.
"No, no, no, no! Come on Pete stick with me. Please." She pleaded shakily.

"Ah, first Spider-Man dies and now Peter Parker dies." Oct laughed.

She ran her hand through my hair as I shivered.

Her eyes narrowed.
"I have a deal for you. You give Spider-Man back his powers and I'll go with you. I'll do whatever you say, do whatever you want me to do, but his powers have to be returned now."

"Tiger...No." I grunted.
She was about to give her life to a crazy man to save me....She was going to be OC's heart became heavier in my chest.

"Let us... contemplate this matter." Oc spoke, turning to the rest of his crew.

"Tiger don't do this. I-I won't l-let you." I managed to say.

Something changed in her, her mask softened a bit.
"Shhh." Tiger whispered. She took my head and her hands. " I can't let you die...The world needs Spider-Man. Your Ant May needs you... I... S.H.E.I.L.D needs you." She whispered.

"Spidy your not going to change my mind."
"Ava." I whispered.

She stopped talking.
"Please. Don't do this." I grunted. My breaths were getting way to short.

She lifted her mask alittle, just enough to show her nose, and kissed me. I felt my eyes widen a second before she pulled away.

She took off her watch. Her S.H.E.I.L.D watch placing it in my hand.
"Oc won't let me have it." She whispered.
"No." I exhaled overcoming the shock.

Tiger quickly pulled her mask down as the six dispersed.
"We accept your offer. I see you already gave your watch to Peter. Now for my part of the deal." Oc laughed showing the device he used to take my powers.

Kraven grabbed Tiger's arm and pulled her to the back of the group.

( White Tigers POV.)
Octavious quickly injected Peter, I bit my lip in anticipation. His breathing hitched, and as far as I could tell, it went still.

"No!" I screamed as I watched Peters eyes close. "What did you do?!?" I demanded as Kraven held me back.

"It's just a side affect. Now come.We should we going. The dome will disappear and all those in it will be free.

We made our way down the hall as Ms.May rushed to Peters side begging him to wake up.

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