Chapter Fourteen

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"That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard!" Harry yelled across the table.
"Well it's better than flying in there with your daddy's super suit not even having a plan!" Cloack fired back.
"Don't talk to him like that!" Mj snapped.

Everyone was fighting over who's plan we should use to get Ava back and frankly, they all sucked. The original team and I stood in the back of the room fully suited up watching everyone fight.

"Honestly let's just go break in right now and leave everyone behind. We do good when we improv." Sam whispered to us.
"Yeah, I'm with Nova." Luke spoke whispered up.
"As much as we would like to get Ava back, we have neglected to take her new state into account." Danny muttered in his Zen way.
"Oh. Right." The boys sighed.
"What do you think Peter?"

I didn't know what to say. Everything we've tried has failed and no one could agree besides us.
"WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP?!?" Nick yelled which only made the fighting worse.

Everyone began to scream at the top of their lungs.
"I think we should go patrol." I suggested quickly as Flash threw a chair.
"Yep." The boys agreed.

We snuck out of the room and jumped of the Tricarrier, landing on a skyscraper.
"No problem, I got these two." Sam groaned setting Luke and Danny down.
"Sorry." I replied as we flipped to a lower building.

"What's on your mind Spider?" Iron Fist asked.
"How do you do that?!?" I asked in joking annoyance.
"It's Danny." The boys shrugged.
"I'm just annoyed with all of them. Acting like they care so much about Ava when they barely know her. They just want a reason to gloat."
"No argument here." Sam sighed, laying down on the roof lining over looking our old section of patrol where oddly enough almost every fight happened.

Danny opened his mouth to say some fortune cookie wisdom when my Spidy sense went off.
"Spideysense?" I asked.
"Um guys! Take a look at this!" Nova yelled flying into a defensive position.

Everyone was running around screaming as a green bomb went off and the Six appeared.
"On three? Powerman asked.
"Three!" Nova and I yelled flying/swinging down to them. Iron Fist and Powerman slid down my web line to keep up.

We all landed in front of them in our fighting stances.
"Ah Spiderman and his team, S.H.E.I.L.D's oldest failures." Oc laughed as the six rushed us.

Luckily we're used to this so we just took one a fought them.
Luke ended up with Electro and Rhino, easy win he was having fun with as they were dumb and dumber.
Danny ended up with Beetle, Nova with Scorpion and I got Kraven and Doc Oc.

"You have so much pride to rush into to a losing bat-" Kraven began, but thanks to my new elctro shocking tranquil dart I made for my web shooter, he didn't get the chance to finish.

Oc started to run away and I took after him as Danny flipped by off a building to chase Beetel. Something slipped out of his pocket as he grabbed Beetel's pack.

"Hey Iron Fist! You dropped this!" I called grabbing the small sheet of paper.

Take a person's new state into mind.

"Fortune cookie! I KNEW IT!" I cheered.
"Aw come on Iron Fist!" Nova complained.
"Seriously? How did he know that?!?" Powerman asked.

I laughed and kept chasing Oc. He lifted some remote and pressed a button, letting out a laugh. I was flying backwards all of the sudden and crashed into the road, head pounding. My team stood behind me as I pushed myself up.

"You figure out you need to change your strategy or... oh." Nova tried to joke but fell flat.

Our Jaws dropped as an army of hypnotized villains fell in behind him. Something fast fell in front of them and landed, sending dust everywhere. When it settled the sight was terrifying.

A Venom and Carnage formed as on horrifying cover to manipulate a big, strong unleashed and untamed hypnotized tiger being. White Tiger.
"Sweet Christmas!" Powerman gasped.
"Oh no." Iron Fist muttered.
"Is that?" Nova asked, voice cracking.
"Yep...that's White Tiger." I crocked in fear.

"GET THEM!" Oc laughed.

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