Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 3

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mwahaha!!! Im really hyper off gatorade at the moment... hehe, i think theres something in it... i let my friend have some and she went crazy too.. mwhahaha..

anyway, im here to do the obvious.. Uploading!!




RECAP of Chapter 2:

"Dakota, go get in the limo" Stefan said. Being me I took my time and dragged my feet towards the limo, Stefan got in before me and as soon as I shut my door the limo took off. I hid in the corner as far away from as Stefan as I could possibly get so I could sulk.

Half an hour later I couldn't stand the silence so I spoke. "Why were you're parents outside the whole time?" I asked Stefan. He seemed glad to hear my voice... weird.

"Well they came in when you ran up the stairs and told me to go help you pack. Then as far as I know they stayed and talked to your parents for awhile then went outside to wait for us."

"Oh" Is all I said then we went back into complete silence. Soon I fell asleep.


"Dakota, Dakota" Someone said shaking me, I recognized the voice but it was too late. I punched them in the face, ahaha I love that reflex but now I felt bad... What? No way I can't feel bad for Stefan.

"What was that for?!" Stefan yelled.

"Well you see, I have this reflex that when someone wakes me up I kinda swing and you know... hit them.." I said a little embarrassed "Sorry" I muttered

"Its fine, I was just surprised is all. Well come on lets go inside were home" He said excitedly. I followed him in and he had a huge house!! House is an understatement, it's more like a mansion. I walked in the house amazed. He showed me all around the house and there was a theatre room, and indoor pool, a gym room, a painting room, a library, a kitchen, and many others rooms including guest rooms. "So I'm guessing you want to see our room now?"

"Wait! Our room? I don't think so Mr." No way was I sharing a bed with him.

"Yeah, our room and my parents are making us share the room." He said. Going up the stairs so I followed him, soon we were going down a hallway and at the very end there was a door. He opened the door and we walked in, I was astonished, it was beautiful. There was a king bed in the middle of the room with red and black silk sheets. Two walls were black and two walls were red. Then there was three different doors. One had my name engraved into it then the other had Stephan's name engraved. Only then I realized that all my stuff was in the room, good. I walked over to the bed and jumped onto it. The bed was like laying on a bed of feathers or clouds, so soft! Stefan walked over with a smile on his face that made me smile. "Do you like it?" He asked.

"LOVE IT!!" I yelled. He must have hit the ceiling not expecting my outburst. To my surprise he started laughing, he laughed even harder at my confused expression. I got up and walked over to the door that had my name engraved on it, I opened it and it was like a mall in there. The closet had a bunch of empty racks on one side with a dresser on the opposite side with a bench. I walked back out to find Stefan sitting on the bed watching the plasma TV, did I mention there was a TV? I think this house has everything!! I walked over and grabbed my stuff so I could put it away. When I was finished I walked out and Stefan was still watching the TV. I sat next to him and he was watching family guy, he turned off the TV and looked at me.

"Time for bed" He told me and got under the silk sheets, but I grabbed the duvet and a pillow and made a bed on the floor. No way was I gonna sleep with a guy that that I've known for only a few hours! Urggh this is gonna hurt my back in the morning. Just as I finished making my bed on the floor Stephan got up and took the duvet and pillow, he spread the duvet over the bed and put the pillow in its original spot. After he was done he turned around and looked at me with a sad expression on his face. "Dakota, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?" I asked confused once again.

"Well my brother is coming to live with us for a week" He sighed. " And he has a bad reputation of trying to play people and to try to steal them away from me"

I started playing with my lip piercing now a little embarrassed that he would be worried about me. "Well I won't go near him if that makes you feel better?" I asked trying to make him feel better, pfft I don't even know why. I just felt that I have to. Weird, I never felt that way...

"Thank you, that would make me feel extremely better!" He said all happy now and pulled me into a warm hug. But it felt like he wasn't telling me something. Friggin bi-polar dude.

MWAHAHAHA!!!!! Short i know but im a very buisy person.... NOT!! hehehe, well if u wanna here a story thats pretty interesting...

Yesterday, me and my friend were playing catch and i looked at the ground and looked up again, cause i thought she went to get the ball... but when i looked up there was a ball that hit me in the face.. i bent over so the blood wouldnt get on my clothes... and according to my friend it looked like i was throwing up blood... i almost had to get stiches.. but i didnt!!! hehe anyway thats what happened... the funny thing is... IT DIDNT HURT AT ALL, just stung a bit. anyway i'll let you get back to ur lives. bu-bye!

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