Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 32

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RECAP of Chapter 31:

I went to the online multiplayer on death match and began running around trying to kill other people. Twenty minutes later the round was over and I had gotten seventeen kills and five deaths.

"That was epic!" I told Stefan who was looking like he was half asleep.


"Well I'm bored." I yawned.

"Go to sleep than."


I got up and put everything away, changed my clothes and made my way into bed with Stefan to quickly fall into a deep slumber.


I woke up the next morning confused by my surroundings. But then remembered what occurred the previous night.


I blinked my eyes open and glanced at my own personal angel. His hair fell over his eyes, shielding his eyes from the harsh light. His hair grew out a lot, I realized as I unconsciously brought my hand up and gently attempted to brush his bangs out of his eyes, only to fail and have them fall right back into place. I frowned frustrated at his messy hair and heard a soft chuckle. Startled I looked at his eyes to see them shining brightly at me.

"Good morning." I mumbled into his chest, attempting to hide my blush only to fail once again this morning.

His chest shook with contained laughter at my feeble attempt. "Good morning." He managed to whisper in my ear, causing me to shiver and if possible melt into him. It's nearly impossible to explain how much I have missed him over the weeks and how much it hurt to be away from him for that long.

My stomach knotted itself into a ball in realization of how close it was to our wedding. Oh God! It's hardly a month away! I mentally panicked until Stefan realized that I my body had tensed up.

"What's wrong, Love?" He demanded worriedly.

"Our wedding is nearly a month away!" I managed to get out of my clenched teeth.

"Shhh. It's fine, you'll be fine. Theres nothing to worry about." He comforted and ran his hand up and down the contours of my back, causing me to relax instantly.

"You're right. There's nothing to worry about. Only acting like a total idiot and tripping over my dress and face planting, just to have everyone laughing at me..." I continued to ramble and got all worked up again.

"Dakota, please calm down. You won't trip or anything."

"No, you're right I won't trip by myself, my father will trip me for me as he walks me down the aisle."

He sighed in frustration. "We will get someone else to do it than, as long as no harm comes to you then I'm fine."

"What if that person is a complete psychopath and sneaks a butcher knife with him and trips me while stabbing me all to crap," I once again continued to ramble. "Then! He drags me away near death into an alley to rape me and leave me to bleed to death." I concluded visioning the gruesome image in my head.

He groaned. "Do you honestly think I would let that happen to you?"

"No, but-"

"No buts. I wouldn't let anyone lay a hand on you, let alone have them chop you up and rape you."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him.

I rolled over and fell off the bed with a thump. I groaned. Stefan peeked his head over the side of the bed and began laughing hysterically clutching his toned stomach. I frowned and got up not bothering to change and walked down to the kitchen with Stefan hot on my trail, still laughing.

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