Falling In Love With... A Fallen? Chapter 34

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Well, its been a LONG time. sorry about that xD

this will be the last chapter and next will be the Epilogue so be watching for it!

thanks for all your guys help with motivation and stuff and i will be starting a new novel, It has nothing supernatural or anything like that. And it will be called 'Sharing Sunsets' so be ready for that one too xD

Chapter 34


"So how was today for ya?" I asked relaxing into the tub even more.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He chuckled.

"Psh, no."

"Ok, well I had fun and enjoyed seeing you in a dress again." He grinned at me and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Doesn't surprise me." I joked.

I stayed in the tub until I began to prune then I got out and dressed in my PJ's that Stefan brought in for me before he left so I could change again.

When I walked out I went straight to bed not caring what time it was, Stefan joining me moments later.


*Wedding Day*

Right now I'm sitting in my dressing room having a panic attack of what could possibly happen when I walk down the aisle to Stefan. So many horrific possibilities! Groaning I placed my face in my hands and let out a nerve filled sigh hoping the ball of butterflies would leave, better yet, instead of little butterflies they could easily be compared to freaking massive elephants with wings beating at the interior of my gut!

Meanwhile back at the ranch, once again Steph, Hannah and Tegan are having a grand ol' time prancing around the room 'prettying me up!' again. Sound dandy? Not really.

Not only was I nervous but I was also excited to get it over with and finally be married to Stefan. I can't really say that we will grow old and die happily together because of that 'handy dandy none aging ring' of mine. I cracked a smile looking at it.

As the girls finished putting the finishing touches on me my mother walked in giving me the tightest hug I could imagine possibly coming from her little frame, did she work out after I left? Oh my Atlanta, I think she did. Getting out of her wheeze worthy grip I gave her a small hug, although she gave me away I really missed her nagging and ranting.

"Dakota, Honey, please don't get married. I don't want my baby to end up having babies! I will feel old! I miss you, please don't leave me!" My mother plead gripping my shoulders with strength, probably leaving a bruise, yeah, definitely going to leave a bruise.

"Mom, I love Stefan, and you know I don't like children so I don't plan on having kids anytime soon if I can help it," I grinned at her. "Besides, you're already getting old, time to start realizing it!" I grinned even wider if that was possible as I joked with her trying to prevent my tears from falling as I realized that my mom would grow old and die, leaving me to stay youthful for the rest of forever. With that I let one tear escape as she hit me playfully on the shoulder at my joking.

"Just promise me that you two will never give up each other's love for the other, I can see how much you love him, so don't let him go, one more thing! Don't you dare not come and visit me young lady! I want you to come down every holiday, at the very least!" She said sternly and tears started leaking down her face as well.

"Don't worry mom, I promise." My face lighted up again, trying to push away the dread of the thought that I'd live forever and she wouldn't.

After she had he crying raid that evidently almost had me crying too, my creepy-ass father walked in telling me it was time. As you can see it's not exactly my cup of tea to be walked down the aisle by him. The nasty pig, ew. Only God knows what the heck he has planned. Probably has his knife prepared and the whole bit! Oh Lordy!

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