Chapter 4 Flattered

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Ok the situation wasn't that bad. I mean, we were trapped and we had no idea where the number card was. But at least nothing was threatening our lives. Right? Well, I was wrong.
  "Hey Drake I think you should come see this."
  "What is..... Oh God." That's the part where I saw the cracked windows.
  "I'm pretty sure it will explode and the water will come rushing." Steph said.
  "So help me find the card!!"
The D07 room was quite simple. It had a few bunk beds, 3 lockers which were actually locked, a table with the note by the door and for some mysterious reason a sink in the wardrobe.
It took me a while but I found a suitcase under one of the beds. It was pretty much the only thing that wasn't locked in there. Inside it was a picture of 3 rings, each one had 3 numbers in different colors and positions.

 Inside it was a picture of 3 rings, each one had 3 numbers in different colors and positions

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"Hey Stephanie!" I called. "Come here and take a look at what I found."
  "Do you have any idea of what it might be?"
  "Well, each ring has a red number, a green number and a blue number."
  "Now tell me something I don't know."
  "Each number from each color is in a different location."
  "Ok. Now the news."
  "Do you want my help or not?"
  "Ok ok. I'll stop."
  "Right, so if we put the same colored numbers clockwise from left to right in each ring we end up with 15-92-45, in red, 10-87-50, in green and 13-32-32 in blue."
  "You think it's some kind of combination?"
I stared at Stephanie for a couple of minutes, her brain working to figure it out, I could almost see steam coming out of her head.
  "Did we check the table?" Steph asked.
  "Not throughly. Why? Is the card there??"
  "Of course not."
  "Then why do you..."
At that moment she decided to ignore me until she found what she was looking for. She examined the table and randomly threw its characteristics at me. Small, flat-topped, 3 legs, rounded, had a drawer. That kind of stuff.
  "What did you find?"
  "STEPH! Now it's not the time to joke around. We have to get out of here before... Why are my ankles wet?"
  "Maybe because you wet your pants when you're scared?"
  "No I don't." No I didn't we my pants.
  "Hey you should take a look at the windows, I think they are starting to break."
When I turned I saw that the water al already coming in. And then a voice out of nowhere sais: "Participants, you may be in a bit of a tight situation. You have 10 minutes to get out of the room. Good luck."
  "10 minutes?? Ok, Steph quick what did you find?"
  "In each leg of this table is a ring to put the numbers."
  "Ok, but doesn't the order matter?"
  "I doubt it, we just need to know which ring is which color."
  "Then please find the correct answer quick."
  "Damn it Drake, 10 minutes is enough time to escape this room."
She was right, but that didn't mean I could calm down. I mean, the room was flooding and a voice said we had only 10 minutes to get out of there. Tell me wouldn't you be at little anxious to get the hell out of there?
  "I think I got it." When she said that we heard the sound of something unlocking. "Try opening the drawer."
It opened without hesitation and inside there was 3 pieces of paper. The first one had a ▲, the second had a ■ and the third a ●. Thing is, the ▲ one had 3 numbers, the ■ had 2 and the ● none.

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