Chapter 10 Dead

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  "Ok. And where are the others? We've been waiting for like, forever." Said Shadow when Rebecca and I came back.
  "Yeah! Grandma here needs her sleep." Agreed Aiden.
  "You'll be the first to die..." She mumbled.
  "The map says their door lead to a different room. It's that way." I pointed.
We walked through the corridors until we found them. They were in front of a big door, discussing something. And there was something strange about one of them.
  "Hey guys!!" Steph shouted to catch their attention. "Where's Marques?"
When they turned, the first thing I saw was Marques. Thing is, his aphro was gone.
  "What happened? Why is Marques aphro-less?" Rebecca asked.
  "Well... We had a problem with fire and..." Marques started.
  "I got the picture."
  "Right, but now to the problem at hand." Said Joshua. "We need 3 keys. One from the kitchen, which we have, one from the storage..."
  "We have that one." Said Lydia as she raised the key.
  "... and one from the Lab. I believe your group went there." He said as he turned to Magnus.
At that moment all eyes turned towards him.
  "Go ahead 'sweety'. Tell them how you got your team out of the lab." Teased Shadow with a grin on her face.
Magnus rushedly explained what happened in the lab. "Besides, I only exploded the door. It's likely that the key is somewhere in there."
  "What? 'Likely that the key is somewhere'? Are you too stupid to just look for it!?" Pressed Joshua.
  "Hey calm down. I know you would have done the same thing!" Magnus accused him.
  "Of course not! Now you go back there and look for the key."
  "You don't really expect me to go back there alone, do you?"
  "Of course not. You and your team will go there. And I want you back here in 10." He demanded.  "Now scram!"
  "I'll help." Said Rebecca.
  "I don't care if you want to help or not. I just want the key." Responded Joshua.
  "Well, someone should find the key to your happiness. You're such a hot-head." Aiden said.
  "Yes he is, can't you see he's bald? No hair to protect his head from the sun. Now let's go!" Called Magnus.

As we went back to the lab, Rebecca started talking about the recipe she found.
  "You know, i think this recipe is strange in a ordinary way."
  "What did you drink? That doesn't make sense at all."
  "I think there might have some sort of pattern to find out what is what in that recipe."
  "Ok... And where did you get that idea?"
  "I was thinking about that recipe book we found at the library. Isn't it strange that it was one of the only books that had something written on them?"
I tried to remember our trip to the library.
  "Hmm. The books were Dracula, the recipe book... And what was the last one?"
  "Poems by Poe." She said. "That cooking book is the odd one. Why out of all of those books, the cooking one especially?"
  "You have a point. But maybe you're just over thinking it."
When we finally reached the lab we split up and started searching. Magnus and Aiden went to the biology quadrant, Alex to the physics, Rebecca to the chemistry, and I stayed with the equipment.
  "Hey Magnus!" Rebecca called. "Have you ever written anything?"
  "What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I have. I needed to get in the college with an essay."
  "That's not what I meant. I found a book here. 'Magic for Morons, by B. Magnus' I thought you wrote it."
  "B? My last name doesn't start with a B. And what kind of book is that? I don't believe in magic."
  "Yeah sure... Now back to the key. Did you find anything? There's nothing here."
  "Still looking." He replied. "That stupid key is nowhere to be found."
  "Of course it is! You just don't know where to look." Said Aiden.
He then pushed out Alex who was standing in front of a cabinet.
  "You expect it to be in the 'Circuits Key Components'?" I asked.
  "It does say 'key' in there." Rebecca agreed with him.
  "Uhh which side are you on?"
  "The side of science!" She responded giving me a thumbs up.
  "That's not a valid answer..." I whispered.
Aiden opened the cabinet and picked up a box full of switches.
  "Why would a key be in there?" Magnus asked.
  "Because, in portuguese, these switches are called 'chaves' which translates to... key!" He said that last word as he pulled a key from the box.
  "Well, that was anti-climatic." Alex commented. "Let's go back. Joshua might explode if we take any longer."

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