Chapter 15 Gauntlet

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There's always that one person that hums in the elevator ride. (Cough cough Marques.) And the worst part? You spend the whole ride trying to figure out what music they're humming! Luckily we only had 2 floors to descend, so it was a quick ride.

When the door opened, we all tried to get out at the same time, only to get stuck at the door.

  "Okay! One at a time please!" I shouted.

  "You just love giving out orders, don't you?" Josh asked me.

  "I said please." I justified myself.

After some time we finally exited the elevator in an orderly manner. And there they stood. The big set of double doors that Drake and Co. found.

  "Since when is this here? Why are we in Deck D? And why can't I remember what stupid music Marques was humming in the elevator?" Josh fired away his questions.

  "Hey dude, calm down. It was Saint Seiya." Marques told him.

  "How do you know Saint Seiya?" He asked.

  "My father made me watch it when I was 6, and with my knowledge of it, I found myself an amazing girlfriend! Her name is Helena." Marques explained.

I stopped at that name. 'He can't be talking about THAT Helena right? There's no way he could know her. He must be talking about another one.'

  "Rebecca!" Stephanie called me back to earth. "Let's open the door. Here." She handed me the necklace she pulled from the statue.
Me, Steph and Drake made our way to the giant door.

  "Green goes up, black goes right and white goes left." Shadow told us.

We each held our respective crystal in front of their hole. I turned to look at the two to see if they were ready. They nodded in agreement.

  "On three." I said. "1...2...3!"

We pushed the crystals in the holes and turned. Nothing happened for a moment.

  "That's it?" Josh started. "You made all that fuss up there in the break room for this?"

  “Hey, calm your tits dude!” Shadow told Josh. “Me, Drake, Stephanie and Alex found this door after our split when Aiden died.”

  “So you’re also behind this? And what’s beyond that door?” he asked angrily.

  “We don’t know.” Alex pronounced himself. “To open that door we needed something. I guess that ‘fuss in the break room’ was to get a key to open that door.”

Right after Alex stopped talking, the door made an unlocking sound, and slowly but surely, opened up revealing a big room with 13 doors, numbered from, you guessed it, 1 to 13.

  "The fuck is this?" Josh asked out loud.

  "Good to see you again Participants." Said the voice that haunted us from the beginning. "Only 10 of you? Well, better than nothing. In front of you stand 13 doors, there's a challenge behind each door. Every one of you will go through theie respevtive door, alone. If you're number 1, go through door 1, so on and so forth. Once you're all done, I'll give you new instructions. You have 2 hours before the end."

  "WAIT! 2 Hours? We still have 4 left!" Happy Bryan shouted.

  "As a setback for not turning off the alarm in the Break Room, half of your remaining time was taken from you."

  "There was no off switch in there." I said.

  "Yes, there is. It's under the statue's base."

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