Chapter 11 Transplanted

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There was so many things passing through my head I couldn't think. Like, who could have done that? Slashing and cutting an innocent guy? True, he made a few enemies. Like Shadow when he called her old. Or Magnus when he annoyed the living hell out of him. Maybe Joshua, when he called him hot-head, but I don't think he got mad because of that.
  "We're here!" Said Dylan when he came with Magnus, Marques and Lydia. "God! What happened to him?"
  "Is that...?" Lydia started but didn't finish.
Magnus was speechless. I guess we all were. To see one of us dead like that. It's inhumane. The Voice said that we couldn't get caught killing someone. But I never thought it would actually happen.
  "What happened here?!" Joshua shouted as he made way from the door. He was followed by Shadow, Marie and Bryan.
  "He's dead Jim." Marques said.
  "Don't call me Jim." He replied.
  "Sorry. Couldn't hold it"
  "Who found him like that?" Marie asked.
  "I did." Bryan raised his hand. "I was looking around and found him like that. Butchered like ham."
  "Wow, he's voice is so deep I can see Adele rolling in it." Lydia whispered to Rebecca.
  "So how do we know you didn't do that?" Marie accused Bryan.
  "Simple. He was with me." Alex stood up for him.
  "So you two did it!" Dylan said.
  "But isn't that Shadow's knife?" Magnus pointed out. "It should be safe to say that she did it."
  "Why put the blame on her?" I said. "I saw you with her knife earlier."
  "We were talking about my carving abilities." Shadow explained. "Magnus and Aiden wanted me to teach them a couple of things."
  "And you expect us to believe that?" Joshua asked.
While we were discussing... *Ding*
  "Ahem! Participants. Remember when I said that we were in a bit of a rush because of our schedule? We're still following that."
  "YOU MEAN THAT HIS DEATH WAS IN YOUR PLANS?!!" Alex shouted to the Voice.
  "No Alexander. I mean that Aiden's death shouldn't be the first thing you should be worried about. After all... You only have 7 hours left."
  "7 hours??" We said in unison.
  "And, spoiler alert, there are still many numbered doors to open. Now off with you."
Just like that, the Voice went silent. We stood there, quiet. I prefer to believe that it was a moment of silence for Aiden, even if some of them didn't want to admit it. However, it was cut short.
  "Hi, me again. Just to remind you that Aiden's tablet will still be used to open the doors. Now I'm off for good." Said the voice.
  "Damn it! I hate him!" Rebecca told me.
  "I guess it's time for us to go." Magnus said as he grabbed Aiden's tablet from his body.
  "Let's go, the next set of numbered doors should be right up." Bryan told us. "No point in wasting our remaining time here."
  "Someone just died! Do you think any of us can go right away?" Asked Marie.
  "People die every day. And I suppose you don't know how many times I saw it happening."
  "What's that supposed to mean?"
  "It doesn't matter right now. Let's go."
  "Wow, Happy Bryan doesn't seem so happy now, does he?" Rebecca asked me.
Bryan went ahead in search of the next numbered doors. The rest of us followed shortly after.
It didn't take long until we found them. This time, 39, 23 and 29.
  "Ok, let's start discussing." Said Magnus.
  "No." Bryan said. "This time we'll do it my way."
  "And that would be...?" Lydia asked.
  "We divide the numbers first, then we see who they are."
  "Ok, what combinations do we have for 39?" I asked.
  "1, 6, 8, 11, 13." Joshua said.
  "There's also 3, 5, 8, 10, 13." Steph suggested.
  "Or... 1, 6, 9, 11, 12." Dylan proposed.
  "Which number is Aiden?" Shadow asked.
Magnus checked his tablet. "13. Why?"
  "That way, the team with 5 numbers should have his tablet. Otherwise, there would be 3 persons in one of the teams." She explained.
  "Ok, I think this one is settled. The 39 will have number 13." Bryan summed up.
  "And the others?" Rebecca inquired.
  "Ahh! You take too much time. 23 will be 2, 4, 5 and 12, 29 will be 3, 7, 9 and 10, and 39 will be 1, 6, 8, 11 and 13." Marie said, clearly annoyed.
  "Any objections?" Bryan asked us. "No? Ok, then who will go through number 23?"
Me, Stephanie, Alex and Shadow raised our hands.
  "Ok, now, door number 29, who goes?"
Marques, Rebecca, Dylan and Bryan himself raised their hands.
  "So, Magnus, Joshua, Lydia and Marie will go through 39, right?"
They all assent.
  "Ok guys, no more wasting time. Let's get the hell out of here." Alex said before the groups went their separate ways.
Right before we put our tablets near the sensor  Shadow started: "Aiden Ruth, 20 years, male, worked as the head technician for a company called 'Scientific Illusions', current number: 13, status: dead."
  "What the hell? How do you know all of that?" Alex asked her.
  "His information was revealed when he died. The Voice said this would happen." She explained.
We then resumed the opening of the door.
*Ping* "Numbered entered successfully."
  "Fine, let's go." Alex said to no one in particular.
We crossed the doorway and it closed behind us. This time, instead of a hallway, a staircase leading down stood in front of us.
  "Should we go?" Alex asked.
  "I see no other way, let's go 4-Eyes!" Shadow answered as she pulled him by the arm.
We went down in the dark for what seemed like hours. I was starting to get cold, so did Steph. When we finally reached the end, a double door with a big red plus stood in front of us.
  "Hospital?" Shadow asked me with an indifferent tone in her voice.
  "Hospital." I agreed.
  "Why would there be a Hospital at the bottom of a ship?" Stephanie wanted to know.
  "In the past, prisoners stayed in the lower levels of the ship, and often contracted diseases. Then people started constructing a medical ward to take care of said prisoners. And it was usually found in the bottom floor of the ships." Alex explained.
He opened the door and then came the blinding white light.
  "AAHH! Damn it! Why such a strong light?" Shadow said.
It took some time for our eyes to adjust to the light level and when it did we saw the white room with 2 beds, a fridge, medicine cabinets filled with pill bottles and liquids of all possible colors, monitors showing some sort of pattern. And at the center, a lonely book next to a pile of papers.
  "Is that someone lying on the bed?" Alex asked.
He went to check it out while Shadow parted to look for the exit door. As for me and Steph, we went to check out the book and papers.
  "Hmmm... 'Patient Name: Giuseppe'." I read. "What kind of name is Giuseppe?"
  "Hey guys!" Alex called from over the bed. "It's not a person, it's just a manekin. And it says it's name is Giuseppe!"
  "Well, that answers that. But what else can theses papers tell us?"

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