Chapter 1

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“Hey! Be careful with that one, there are plates in there!” I said to Harry who just nudged my back with the box. I turned around and rolled my eyes at him, receiving a light kiss on the cheek.

“So, this one's going to the kitchen then?” I nodded at his question as I placed my box on the small table in the living room. I had convinced Harry to bring all of my DVD's and Tv-series from my apartment, but it also resulted in him bringing his as well, even though his taste in movies basically sucks.

I was on my way back to my car to get another box when I heard a shattering sound from the kitchen, followed by Harry's “Sorry.” I let out another sigh, trying not to get too stressed about it. Moving in together was a lot harder than I'd expected, but I certainly didn't regret the decision.

When I placed the last box of clothes in our bedroom Harry walked up to me and grabbed it from me before I even had the chance to open it and start to sort it out.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I watched him place the box next to his side of the bed.

“I think we've had enough of that for today. We'll do the rest tomorrow, okay?” I let out what felt like the thousand sigh of the day and slowly nodded. Harry, apparently surprised my my agreement, gave me a dimple smile that still, after all this time together, made my knees go weak.

I could feel my eyelids get more and more heavy as I rested against Harry's chest as we watched an episode of How I Met Your Mother after sharing a pizza. He gently started to stroke my hair with his free hand, since the other one was intertwined with mine, and I just got more and more relaxed.

“Tired?” he asked and I looked up in an attempt to see his face, but he turned out blurry.

“No need to answer that,” he laughed and removed the blanket we'd been wrapped up in, causing a shiver to run through me. Before I knew it he was carrying my bridal style into the bedroom and slowly put me down on our own bed. I nuzzled into the pillows and wrapped the duvet closer around me.

“I love you,” I said in a slow voice before shutting down completely.

“Oh, look at his place Amber! It's beautiful!”

“Thank you grandma, I'm glad you like it.”

“Oh, what a nice kitchen. I've always liked a black and white inspired kitchen.”

“Really, because that doesn't sound like your taste,” I laughed nervously.

“I bet that husband of yours can do some great cooking in here,” grandma continued as she placed her hands together in excitement.

“We're not married, you know that right?” I explained, even more nervous now.

“Of course, Harry's such a lovely guy!” I raised an eyebrow. She was acting so weird.

“And, finally, here we have the living room,” I said as we finished our guided tour around the apartment.

“Would you like anything, a cup of tea maybe?” I asked my grandmother after she made herself at home by sitting down on the small white sofa.

“No, I'm fine dear. Come and have a sit,” she said as she patted the space next to her. I smiled widely as I made my way towards her. She gently took my hand in hers as soon as my bum made connection with the comfortable seat. I became surprised by how cold she felt. I met her small eyes as she returned my smile.

“I just wanted you to know that I'm very happy for you sweetheart, and very proud. I knew you would be happy someday, considering everything that's happened in your life.” I blinked quickly, trying to remove the tears that started to build up in my eyes.

We Want To Break Free ❤ (Sequel to IWTBF)Where stories live. Discover now