Chapter 9

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HI! It's been quite some time since I was here, sorry for that :( But to be honest, I've had a huge lack of motivation to write lately, but it's slowly coming back to me now, so bare with me will ya ;) that's also why this chapter is so short, so sorry once again. But no need to fear, another update might be near! :P xx

My alarm woke both of us up. I didn't feel like going to school at all, and considering Harry's groans I bet he felt the same. He wrapped the sheet closer to his body and turned around, his back facing me. 

"Oh no, don't you dare!"

His body shivered as I removed the source of his warmth and tossed it to the side. It was always a safe way to make him leave the bed. 

"You're killing me!"

"I love you too," I smiled and threw his jeans at him, that somehow had ended up on my side of the bed.

"So, work tonight?" Harry asked as I took another sip of my morning tea. I just nodded and checked through my Facebook feed. A text from Kelly arrived, saying good morning as usual. 

"Should I be worried that you and Kelly might run away together to get married?" Harry suddenly asked causing my eyes to leave the screen that felt even brighter in the morning.

"Very funny! You should be happy I have such a good friend!"

He chuckled.

"You're kinda cute when you're jealous," I said before standing up and putting my empty cup on the counter. Harry raised a brow.

"I'll wash it later." 


I took a deep breath, telling myself over and over that this was a good decision for me. It would make me happy. When I found that hole in my schedule before lunch today, there was no doubt about it. Since I had about three hours free, this was a perfect way of spending them. Plus, it seemed like something I might enjoy. To be honest, the thought about the offer I got hadn't left my mind yet, it's been stuck in there since the day I got it. Harry would freak, I knew that, but if he truly loves me he would let me do this if it makes me happy.

A familiar face opened the wooden door after I mentally kicked my own butt and dared to knock.

"Amber! How lovely to see you!" 

"You too...."


"Right, Andrea." This didn't start of well, but Andrea didn't seem to mind. I blushed and cursed at myself in my head for being so awkward.

"I guess this involves my offer?" Andrea asked after letting me in. I was so caught up in all of the equipment in there that I almost missed her question.

"What? Oh, yeah," I blushed again, managing to remove my eyes from the desks and oh so fancy computers. It looked like an editorial office for a real magazine, and not for a regular school paper. Lots of post it notes in bright colours here and there, lots of desks, not to mention individual desks. I couldn't help but notice how one desk was empty, and I caught the feeling in me that hoped that someday that desk would be mine. 

"Are you picky when it comes to choosing the people who work here?" I asked instead. 

"What gives you that idea?" Andrea asked, but I could sense a hint of humor in her face. 

"Well, it seems like there's a certain amount of desks and computers. You can't take in as much people as you'd like? There's a limit right?"

"That is correct," Andrea admitted while playing with the pen that rested between her fingers. 

"So a position here is sort of valuable?" 

"In my eyes, yes, since we only can have a certain number of writers, like you said," Andrea explained.

"But, why asking me? Why giving me an offer like this when you don't even know me?" I asked.

"See it as a compliment. We happened to have a girl that threw in the towel recently, and we're looking for somebody to take her place. See it as a warning too, it's pretty intense sometimes."

"You still haven't answered my question." 

"Let's talk about you instead. Are you accepting my offer or not. If you don't, we're in a hurry of finding somebody new. But if you do, your desk stands over there." Andrea pointed towards the empty desk I just discovered.

My head started to hurt slightly. I've never experienced a desk that appealing before. I wanted it. I wanted to write and I wanted to make a change, somehow. Since I got raped, I've wanted to help others the way Elizabeth helped me. I'm not saying I'm going to be a therapist like her, but working at the school paper, and just for example share my thoughts with other people, seemed like a good way to go. Students at this school has the right to know what's going on and have the right to say how they feel about it.

Before I even realized it, my mouth said the two words that would change my life a little bit more.

"I'm in." 


"The school paper, huh? Well, what's so bad about that?" Liam asked with a wrinkle of confusion on his forehead. I looked down at my dinner that consisted of a great burger that Liam just brought of the grill, along with some fries that I made myself. I'm happy that my skills are improving, these became very crispy.

"Nothing, I love everything about it so far. I'm just conserned about the boy who does not love everything about it," I confessed in a sigh.

"Harry?" Liam asked as he dipped one of his fries in ketchup before bringing it to his mouth.

"Yeah, he wasn't that fond of the idea last time we brought it up. I can't even imagine what he'll say when I tell him that I actually acepted the offer."

"Don't worry, if it's what you really want then you shouldn't be sorry."

"I guess you're right," I admitted.

"If he doesn't aprove then I guess there's only one thing left to do," Liam started.


"Dump him."

Both Liam and I flinched as the sound of plates hitting the floor echoed through the whole restaurant.

"What now?" Liam sighed and I followed him out of the staff's kitchen.

We didn't have to walk for long until we reached Hannah, on her knees right outside the room Liam and I just left.

"Hannah, why are you here with all of those plates? They belong out there," Liam harschly remarked as he pointed into the restaurant.

"I know, okay! I know," she shouted and quickly picked up the pieces before firmly walking through the doors and into the restaurant again.

"Idiot," Liam mumbled as he returned back into the small kitchen.

I stood still in the same position. I had always had a bad feeling about that girl, but it was in this moment that I got it confirmed that I should. Even though Liam didn't realize it, I did.

Hannah had eavesdropped on my and Liams conversation.

We Want To Break Free ❤ (Sequel to IWTBF)Where stories live. Discover now