Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

I knew exactly where to find her. 

I parked my car next to hers and entered the uncomfortable area. I didn't like it here, the atmosphere is just strange and creepy. The gravel made a crunching sound under my shoes as I slowly began to walk towards her. I knew that I should give her some space, even when it's hard to do so. Like right now. I sat down on the nearest bench instead, and watched her from afar. If she turned around she may see me, but that's better than to rush towards her and forcing her to talk to me. Sitting here would give her an option, either to talk to me or not. My heart was hurting every time she cried, and I felt so powerless.

Amber meant the world to me. I also knew that she had changed me as a person. I didn't want to admit it to myself, at least not at first. I guess it was because of the fact that I didn't want to be affected by other people. But she was different. She made me want to care about her, in a way I've never cared about anybody or anything before. All of my previous relationships seemed like pure bullshit compared to this. We live together for God's sake! I have to confess that I was terrified in the beginning of our romance, because I had no idea that you could get so caught up in a single person. It was like getting high every time she was near.

High on love.

She was a part of me now, like my own family. She was more like a Styles than a Carter. And I'm pretty sure I would make that a statement in the future. I would'nt think twice about marrying her. 

Amber's POV

I didn't even know where to begin, so I just sat down quiet. The stone seemed colder than usual, and I had to concentrate even harder to read the name on it through my tears. I was just so shocked, and scared. I wasn't even sure if talking to my grandmother's gravestone would help. This was something serious, and it was effecting my mother.

"You've got to help me. I don't know what to do," the words got stuck and I just shook my head at my stupidity. I knew exactly who I really needed to comfort me, but he was at our apartment, confused and left alone. I guess that I needed somebody who could answer me back this time, even if sitting here and talking about my problems often helped. I know that she's up there somewhere, helping me like the angel she is. Was. But I needed him more right now, and I tried not to feel guilty about that. 

"I still love you," I whispered and stood up.

As I did so, I saw him. I had a feeling that he would've followed me, but that thought left my head as soon as it entered it. The wind was blowing my hair in my face, but I didn't bother to remove it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before approaching him. He stood up and started to walk towards me too. His pace quickened with every step he took, and I could feel more tears roll down my cheeks.

He stopped a few inches away from me, but I couldn't meet his eyes. He was looking for permission to comfort me, and I waited for him to make that decision himself. I remembered the look on his face when I flinched from his touch back in the apartment, and I would do anything to erase that memory. I'm pretty sure that's what's making him hesitate now. I couldn't blame him for that, so I looked up at him after gaining some control of my feelings. I placed my right hand on the back of his neck and played with the small curls that stuck out from under his beanie.          

"I'm sorry," I whispered as I looked into his eyes, that softened and got filled with pity and relief instead.

"It's okay," he whispered back and nodded in assurance. My hand was still resting at the back of his neck, while he kept his own hands in the pockets of his coat. I gave him a weak smile and wiped my cheeks with my free hand.

"Come here," he added and opened his coat before letting it cover the both of us. I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders instead and rested my head against his shoulder as he slowly rocked us back and forth. I inhaled the familiar scent of him, and could feel how the weight of my shoulders eased second by second.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Harry asked after standing in the same position for I don't know how long.

"I do, but I don't know if I can. I'm still a bit shocked about it all." 

This felt like an old pattern. We were in the same position only months ago. The difference back then was that I was the one that had been abused, now it was my very own mother. Sure, our relationship wasn't that good, but she was after all my mother, and it all hit me like a big slap in the face. 

"Well, you know that I'm more than willing to listen. I'll always help you," he started, but I interrupted him by pressing my lips against his. When I drove here today, I was actually scared of him. No, not scared of him really, but scared of the fact that he could easily accomplish the same situation for me as Jim had for my mother. I know that Harry would never hurt me, but I was just so insecure and shocked that my mother's situation got to me just as hard.

I had trouble falling asleep that night. Harry was already snoring quietly next to me, his hand still covering mine between us. I lifted myself up and rested on my elbow as I looked at him. He was the prettiest human being I've ever seen. Truly. It was an honor to have such a beautiful person in my life, and it felt unreal that he actually felt the same way about me as I did about him.

My eyes traveled over his forearm, looking at his tattoos. I've always wanted a tattoo, but I am too much of a coward. My fingertips started to follow the pattern of the ink, something I usually do while being bored. I stopped when I came to a clean spot, that only consisted his pure skin. I wrote "I love you" with my finger, small enough to not touch any other tattoo. That's when he suddenly moved, and I quickly removed my hand. He quickly grabbed it again, the sudden movement making me flinch in surprise. That's when I realized that he had one eye open. He placed my newly received hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it, before saying

"I love you too." 


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