Chapter 4

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Hiii! Okay, first of all, sorry for the late update! This chapter is very short, and I have to admit that it's just a random chapter that doesn't really makes sense, ha! But I hope you enjoy it anyway, Lots of Love! xx

I didn't even notice when my alarm went off that morning, it was Harry gently removing some hair from my forehead that made my eyelids flutter open. My head felt heavy and I couldn't inhale the air through my nose properly.

I slowly met Harry's concern-filled eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, just a bit tired," I explained as I rested on my elbows.

"You're forehead's very hot. You're literally burning up," he stated.

"No, I'm completely fine," I assured as I stood up too quickly, which only resulted in me losing my balance and falling back down on the bouncing mattress.

"Forget it, you're not going anywhere today."


"Harry, I have work up to my ears in school, I can't just stay at home! Especially not when I'm feeling alright."

"For God's sake woman! Stop being so stubborn!" I knew he was right, he mostly is.

"But my homework-"

"Forget about that shit for now! You're staying in bed today." Harry decided, without a single doubt. I pouted in a fake anger.

"And don't you dare leave it," he added with a small wink. My face managed to form a smile, but my eyes still felt extremely heavy.

Harry made me some tea and sandwiches before he left for school.

"Feel better," he slowly said and kissed my cheek and left the apartment. The silence that followed felt very uncomfortable. I turned the Tv that was standing on our dresser on, in hopes of finding some good movie to watch.

It all ended up in me falling asleep to an old episode of "Friends".

Harry's POV.

Amber's pale and weak face just wouldn't leave my mind for the entire day. I knew it was probably just a small virus, but I was still worried. After a few texts from my mother that calmed my suspisions over and over, I started to relax a bit.

"Man, you look tied up," Niall stated, not looking up from the microscope. My mind left Amber's face and our bedroom, and I snapped back to reality, looking at him.


"Is something wrong?" Niall continued, still looking at the small bacteria.

"No, just out of it for a few seconds. Is it my turn yet?"

I'm glad that Niall became my lab partner, at least I knew him. He was a very out-going, happy, weird and Irish person, who clearly stays in touch with the feminine side. He was smart though, which is good or I'd be failing this class for sure.

It'll be fun they said.

I hated school right now. More than ever in fact. I just wanted to be at home, with Amber and do all kinds of stuff with her.

To her.

I can't stop the stupid grin that enters my face when I think back on our first night in the apartment. I'm so happy that she finally gave in, and let me do what I've been dying to do with her for quite some time. I wouldn't have lasted long. She was new at it, it showed, but still so surprisingly good.

Memories of her hands touching my hair in desperate movements, her head falling back, her voice echoing through the whole apartment (along with mine) enters my head. She was everything I've ever wanted, what I needed.

Her voice still echoes in my head, repeating my name over and over when Niall nudges my arm and ends my mental show.

"Your turn."

Amber's POV

A small kiss was placed on my temple, waking me up. Harry's home already? How long have I've been out? I slowly opened one eye, checking the time. I've been asleep for seven hours?

"How are you feeling?" My mind floats back to Harry as soon as his soft voice enters my ears. I try to smile, but doesn't succeed.

"Could've been better," I admit with a deep sigh.

"Can I get you anything?" He asks again as I feel the mattress shift under his weight as he sits down next to me, gently placing his hand on top of mine.

"No thanks, I'm fine." He slowly nodded. 

"How was your day?" I started, changing the subject. 

"Okay, I guess." 

"Go on."

"I missed you. I felt lonely sitting in the library without you," he explained with a small shrug. 

The school library is a special place to the both of us, it's kind of where we started to talk to each other, Harry and I. Countless laughs have been shared in there, countless home works done and countless warnings for not being quiet. It's where our relationship grew stronger, before finally developed into love.

"You mean everything to me," I blurted. Damn, those memories always makes me emotional. Harry raised his eyebrows, obviously unprepared for my small statement.

His lips met mine, even though I was sick, but he explained that he didn't care. I still have problems dealing with the fact that I actually have this kind of love. That somebody really cares for me, and is there when nobody else is. My previous statement didn't feel as embarrassing as it did seconds ago, because it was the truth.

He truly was everything to me... 

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