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Looking at the clock on my screen, counting back the seconds before I get my first personal award, I can't help but think back to the performance I did. Well, we did but I was the center whole time so I can say it's going to be my personal award. My very first personal award.

''Have they announced yet?'' Even though he knows we wouldn't be sitting like this if that was the case Namjoon hyung can't help but ask, probably still trying to get our tension down.

''Nope last 3 minutes'' Hobi hyung is the one trembling with anxiety, still clutching Tae hyung's and my hand in his. He needs this award the most, after being told to leave the band; he needs to prove himself more than anyone. Well maybe not everyone since we already have Jimin in the list of unnecessary additions after he fucked up yet another important performance. As if he heard his name, Jimin sits between me and Tae hyung, squishing his big butt into the nonexistent space we had.

''Don't worry Kookie, I'm sure you will win.'' I stay silent, not wanting to cause a scene by breaking the hand that's patting my head like I'm some sort of a pet.. I hate how touchy-feely he acts around me. I understand the times he does it when we are being recorded. I know what the hell fan service means but him, acting like this even when we are at home really pisses me off. More than ever now since the possibility of losing this award is directly related to his screw up. I bet he couldn't stomach me being center for once.

''Shh, they are announcing'' Tae hyung raises the volume of the phone we are using to watch the broadcast. I hold my breath, afraid to even blink my eyes.

''We all saw the great performance Bangtan boys did today, haven't we?'' I promise to never be one of those MC's in my life. That's just annoying.

''Let's see if they get the award from the last owner for the best Rainism Performance. You know the original singer still holds the award for the best performance but Bangtan boys did add their own charisma to the song today..'' I hear the ARMY's cheering behind the MC and thank god once again for the fans we have. If it weren't for them, we still would be playing stupid games and getting insulted on stupid programs.

''See they liked it, congrats Kookie'' Jimin smiles at me with his stupid expression a breath away from my face. This guy needs to learn some personal boundaries.

''We thank Bangtan boys for their effort, but they didn't manage to get past the votes the original performance had. Anyways, thank you BTS, We have no...'' I don't hear the words after that; I can't comprehend what just happened. Did we just lose? No one reacts for the first 5 seconds, the silence is deadly.

Namjoon hyung is the first one to get over the shock '' We will get it next time guys, fighting right?!'' but it all seems like a joke to me right now. LOL, Next time? I won't let that midget sabotage me one more time.

I get up without saying anything so I won't go and punch his perfect face but he is determined to get punched as he gets up after me and catches my hand in his.

''Im sorry Kookie, you did great! It was my fault. Please don't be upset'' At least he knows.

''It wasn't your fault Jiminie, don't say that'' Jin hyung protects his ass as he always does. As everyone always does but this time I won't let it.

''Hell it wasn't. At least let him know what he did. Stop protecting his ass for once!'' I shake his hand away from me. He takes a step back probably afraid of the way I stare down at him. He should be. I'm one step away from strangling him.

''Kookie, I'm..'' he starts but I'm sick of it all, sick of the way he still calls me with that stupid nickname.

''Shut the fuck up, will you?! You screwed me, you screwed us and you still have something to say?! Say it to Hobi hyung then! He needed that award, I needed that award..!!''I take a step towards him but Namjoon hyung gets in front of me,

Fallen [JiKook&2Min]Where stories live. Discover now