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You know how everyone has a moment in their lives that they know they absolutely fucked up? Well, mine happens to be now where I watch the little shit flirting shamelessly with the person supposed to be in love with me but decided to forget about me when I just find out about his love. Too complicated, right? I can make it less complicated if I can just crush those disgusting dimples of the dipshit Jimin hyung seems to adore.

''Jiminie!! Why are you so sexy? Is it even allowed to be that sexy?! Aishhh my eyes hurt.''

I bet I can make them hurt more by a punch, how about that?

''Stop it, Ravi hyung.'' I'm on the verge of spilling my water bottle over Jimin hyung's head since he is blushing and giggling like a girl. An adorable girl but a girl nonetheless.

''He isn't used to getting compliments Ravi, go easy on our chim chim. '' Coos Hobie hyung as others agree with the number two sunshine of the band which has three uninvited guests in a practice room too small to accommodate 10 young men.

You probably wonder who the heck this Ravi asshole is and why everyone is acting like everything's normal right? Well, let me tell you from the beginning.

After we all listened to Jimin hyung's confession, Namjoon hyung made us delete it in fear of it getting out. Don't get it wrong, he was all okay with Jimin hyung being bi or gay; whatever he is at the moment, he just didn't want to risk all our careers by letting something like this in early stages of our fame but he did talk me about it and how I'm the one blind enough to not know what was going on right under my nose. Apparently, Jimin hyung isn't even the only gay in our band and his love for me isn't even a secret. At least not for them. After the lecture and endless tension came to an end and we finally got to face him once again it was all like nothing happened for everybody. I mean they were so stiff for all the week that I thought we surely were done as a group but when the ''sunshine'' of our group took that single step into the practice room that day with a new hair and a whole new confident aura around him, everyone just clicked once again. Everyone but me. Everyone but us. I mean he goes and declares his love for me and after a week he comes back stone cold with three dipshits who are head over heels in love with him. How is that even possible? How is the percentage of those dipshits being a few of the most famous dancers in the kpop world is possible? How are the three hottest guys in the industry seem to care for him right after we fall out?I think the universe is playing me.

''You can't actually kill him with your thoughts, you know that right?'' asks the less disturbing of the three. At least this one keeps his words to himself but his stare is enough to piss me off. I mean yeah fine I get it, Jiminie hyung has the greatest ass you can find in a guy and those skinny jeans don't help hiding that fact at all but you should at least let your eyes drift from there at some point for I don't know, my mind's sake, right? But no he keeps staring even while talking with me.

''You can't actually undress him with your mind, YOU know that right?'' I demand with no trace of honorifics or respect in my voice. Our fans are at war constantly anyway, what matters if we two get into a war now cause apparently this guy needs it.

''Well, I can't actually make a move on the guy Minie is interested in, can I now?'' He smirks. He smirks while still checking out his ass. I roll my eyes at the fact he mentions. Taemin is interested in Jiminie? Out of the three, he is the one I'm less worried about. How can two bottoms like each other right? I mean I don't really know if the Taemin is a bottom since he looks like a major bottom and talks like a major top but I know Jiminie must be. He loved me so he must have accepted the fact he was bottoming unless he thought... Hell no, he wouldn't think I would bottom for him right? RİGHT? I make a strange noise.

'' Wow, watching other people flirt gets you hard huh? Never seen that one before.'' I snap my head back to see Kai the asshole now checking my half- hardie that I didn't realize existed. What the hell is wrong with me.

''Nope, dreaming about breaking your chin gets me hard but excuse me before I make a move to actually get off by screwing your pretty face.''

''Any time you want, baby boy.'' His grin is so irritatingly suggestive that I want to punch him just to make it go away but I hold myself back and get up, not bothering to tell anyone I'm leaving. They wouldn't care anyway. Ever since Jiminie returned I'm a part of the decoration. I have no scent nor voice. He became the center, I became the sidewalk. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sad about the lack of attention from other members. It's even a relief for me after all the years of them dotting on everything I do but the lack of attention from the only person clouding my mind with 'What if's' is a pretty big bummer. I just want him to look me in the eye so I could see what everyone had already seen.

As I sit on one of the empty chairs in the hallway, my mind goes back to the countless youtube collections I watched of ''Jikook'' and how we are supposed to be ''really in love''. I can't believe how even the majority of Army's thinks Jimin would top. Have you seen my height nowadays guys? Or my weight? How the fxxk that midget would top me? Why the fxxk would I let him? I know I know I should concentrate on the stuff that actually matters like how I haven't noticed the glances he sent my way ever since we debuted or how his hand found a way to touch me even in the most impossible situations or how he always complimented me even when I made fun of him. But before judging me remember that I have been with six other guys for the whole 6 years I have actually been away from my parents and that all those six years I had absolutely no contact with relationships, sex or even the simplest forms of flirts. I was simply busy.. or famous enough for it not to be a question or a need. I was fine with watching Namjoon hyung's porn collection and I had no problem with keeping my head down whenever an attractive female idol passed by me. But after years of, I mean my whole life of, celibacy I finally have an opportunity to feel things that we write songs about and actually not worry about it being a headline the next morning. I mean yeah it would be one hell of a mess if things get out but who to try cuddling for the first time better than the teddy bear I already carry with me everywhere I go? Who to try having my first kiss for the first time than with the person whose lips looks like a handmade sculpture came to life? Who to have my first feelings for than the person who looks like my younger brother whom I need to protect but actually is my hyung who protects me? Whom to have my first sex with than with one of the most beautiful and sexy idols out there whom also lives right next door to me? See my problem? I'm too consumed with what if's and what I should I do's to do something about the three other rivals that came out of nowhere and apparently are ahead of me.

I sigh not knowing what to do as somebody puts a banana milk near me as they also sit down with one other in hand. As I raise my head to find Tae hyung or Hobie hyung, my eyes catch the crescent smile I longed to see. He is looking at me as his hand reaches to me, holding the banana milk as if it's an olive branch signaling a peace between two bloody countries. I raise my brows not trusting my voice. He hasn't even glanced at my way ever since he came back let alone talking to me. I know I know I should have talked to him but I am too much of a coward when it comes to feelings. Don't you know me at all? The voice that I missed enough to listen his solo on repeat countless times fills my ears.

''I'm sorry if I'm being a bother again Kookie. They just wanted to help me.''

Them. His reason to talk to me after the days of torturing silence is them. This boils something inside of me I had no idea existed. I can see the way his face falls by my sudden mood change.

''They wanted to help you with what Jiminie?'' I smirk knowing well if enough that he can't tell me the truth about their inquiry.

''Ah, They.. they.. Whatever, it's hyung to you.. you b-'' I cut his sentence when my hand covers his oh so kissable lips.

'' Don't lie to me hyung. For once in your life, don't lie to me.'' I feel like I'm drowning with the close proximity of our bodies but the look in his eyes tell me I literally might be drowning soon. Not in his eyes but in his hands apparently with the way he pushes me hard enough to stumble from the chair I was seated on. Well.. the talk I was running away from seems to come to me.

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