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Waking up from a restless, guilt-ridden night; I find myself looking at the purplish bags under my eyes that weren't there before. My staring contest comes to a halt when Jin hyung asks me to wake others up. Apparently I can't delay the inevitable. I wake up Namjoon hyung first since we share a room that is the farthest from Jimin hyung's room. Seeing his face, especially the similarity between his and mine, my guilt raises ten folds. Not only I screw Jimin hyung up but I managed to take away a long needed rest from everybody as well since we all share the same swollen eyes. Even Yoongi hyung who can sleep with a hurricane right beside him seems like he didn't sleep and that's saying something..

I hesitate for a second when it's time to open Tae,Hobi and Jimin hyungs door, taking a much needed deep breath to calm my nerves down. I know he will forgive me; he is not the type to hold grudges. Yeah, right that's me apparently. I roll my eyes at myself and open the door to find Tae and Hobi hyung engulfed in a heated discussion over Jimin hyung's bed which seems to be the same as it was the night before. Untouched.

''Where is he?'' I was the one waking everyone up so there's no way he slept with someone else.

''You are the one to ask Jungkook'' Hobi hyung seems pissed but not as pissed as Tae hyung who just passes by me without a glance. As I follow them to the kitchen, I can't help but keep my head down. I've never been the one to shy away from my problems but this time knowing that I am the actual problem keeps my head bowed down.

''Maybe he woke up early and went to practice?'' Jin hyung, an optimist at heart, tries to find an answer to the elephant in the room but his hope gets shattered by Namjoon hyung's angry voice.

''I talked to the doorman. He never came back. '' I shrink more, trying to make myself invisible.

''Tae call his parents but don't alarm them if they don't know anything.'' Yoongi hyung is always considerate when it comes to Jimin. For others, he wouldn't lift a finger.

''I already did. They have no idea he even left the dorm.'' Silence falls over. No one knows what else to do. I cringed internally when I realize that no one knows who else he would run to.

''Let's check google alerts. He is an idol for god's sake; someone should have seen him.'' I know it's a long shot but it's better than not doing anything.

''I thought he was a nobody for you, good to see you changed your mind Jungkook'' Yoongi hyung never misses a chance, his normally cold attire even colder today.

''Guys we have a problem. '' Hobi hyung who was abnormally silent for the past minutes finally speaks up.

''What is it? Is he okay? Where is he?''

''Calm down Tae, I don't know where he is but apparently we have a show down tonight.'' Hobi hyung shows us his phone which has different headlines about how tonight will be a big night for BTS since it is finally challenging one of the world wide famous k-pop groups on a show down that we had absolutely no idea of.

''What the fuck?!'' Tae hyung is the one expressing how all of us feeling right now.

''Language Tae. Calm down guys it's a fake headline or they made a mistake. Namjoon call the..'' Jin hyung gets disturbed by the sudden ringing of Namjoon hyungs phone. We all know that ringtone. But we have no reason to have that tone ringing today since it's our free day.

''Hello?'' Namjoon hyung looks perplexed for a moment before looking over us.

''But we don't have anything planned out for today?'' We hold our breath as we watch him listening to what our manager is saying.

''Yeah , I understand but- wait what? '' His tone rises suddenly accompanying my heart beat.

''Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't he tell us?'' My imagination fails to come up with a reason for why Namjoon hyung looks like he is in pain.

''Okay, yeah I understand.. We will be there in 30.'' As he puts the phone down with a more pained look than before, I hold my breath afraid to even blink my eyes in fear of what might come out of his mouth.

''Get ready, we are going to practice.'' Is all he says before he turns away from us but Jin hyung gets in front of him.

''What is it Namjoon. Just spill it already'' I can see the hesitance in his face so I put a hand on his shoulder, feeling him stiffen with my touch.

''Namjoon hyung, What happened?''

''You want to know what happened? You fucked up Jungkook that's what happened. Jimin has a show down tonight. He has a fucking dance that he thought we could learn in one day so he never told us because he didn't wanted us to divert our attention from your stupid show off. He once again put you first. Put us first just like he always does and now we don't even know where he is. Is that enough for you?!'' I would rather have the earth split into two and swallow me whole than relive this moment. The moment in which the man who become a father figure to me all these years looks at me with so much disappointment in his eyes that I can't even remember a time where he looked at me even slightly similar. The moment in which I once again realize how selfless Jiminie hyung is; always putting me first whenever our lives collide.

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