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People always tell me how I would never know what I have until I lose them just like how I take everything I am good at for granted.. But this time, this time I know that they are wrong. I knew his value even when my mind was shadowed by anger but I never thought I would actually lose it. I never knew it would lead to a silence that cannot be filled by six of us combined if his voice is the one missing. Thank god he is coming home today. These two days have been hell and back. Everyone on edge, not knowing which word would trigger another fist fight. One thought in each mind but not knowing how to get past the Taemin wall when the only one he would let in; Yoongi hyung, isn't even interested in trying. One sentence haunting every mind but no one attempts to echo the words one more time. ''You don't deserve him.'' My wake up call..

As another restless night comes to an end by the sunlight seeping through the curtains, I rise and grab my wallet, wear the jacket we both bought on last Christmas and head out not even bothering about the fact that I slept in the same clothes I wore yesterday or the fact that I probably stink. This is the first time since we've met that I'm going to buy him food instead of just eating the stuff he paid for. As I check the aisles, searching for something familiar that I should have seen he favored, I come up empty handed. Cursing myself and my lack of interest in the only person who is even more interested than my mom about my well being I just grab what he usually buys for me. He ate them with me every time so he has to at least like them right? After checking them out and wondering how the hell he even has money to take care of himself after buying me all these things with the amount the cashier just draw from my card, I head back home.

''Good morning JK'' Jin hyung is sipping his coffee on the stairs, looking like a model on a magazine with the way his posture screams elegance and here I am looking like a beggar but not even the pretty beggars we once did a photo shoot about.

''Morning hyung. I was going to wake you up.. thank god you are already awake.''

''Yeah with me being Yoongi's roommate and all'' he says smiling sadly. Everyone seems to forgive me with the amount of ass kissing I did but Yoongi hyung still doesn't spare me a minute of the day. I nod not having the energy to reply to the same old same old topic we have been talking about.

''Alright what did you need me for?'' I blush not knowing how to explain what I want him to do. After all, this is the first time I'm trying to prepare something for Jiminie hyung. It's usually the other way around and I'm the one enjoying the feast. Okay, okay not ''usually''.. Always.

''Hyung I bought some things.. and can you like.. I don't know cook them for.. you know since he is coming today and I need to..'' I can't seem to make a whole sentence with the amount of blushing and looking down I'm doing but his chuckle and the hand messing up my already messed up hair calms down my nerves.

''Are you sure? Cause he was the one cooking them for you. You should repay the favor right way don't you think?'' Yet another thing I never noticed about him, could I get any denser than I was before? But cooking?

''Hyung.. You know I would even fry water if I try to cook.'' It's nice to hear a genuine laugh after the two gloomy days we had.

''It's okay JK, I would cook them for you and we would just say you helped me. But you better take a shower.. No offense but you stink.'' He crunches his nose and that's my cue to go get my very much needed shower.

Letting the hot water take away the quilt, sadness and longing with it, I step out of the shower as the old me that Jiminie hyung always loved. Cute. He always said I was cute whenever I was myself; what better way to get his forgiveness than be his cute little Kookie even though he is the little one, right? I wear the shirt he bought for my birthday last year to make sure he knows I still have it even though this is the first time I even unfold the shirt. Seeing it is one of the limited Iron Man shirts I obsessed over before, I curse my non-existent curiosity for not checking it out when he gave it. After checking the mirror for the tenth time, I walk out to kitchen to find a literal feast waiting for me.

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