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Everyone needs some sunshine in their lives, everyone needs some rain. For the past 8 years, I had nothing but stormy nights and rainy days. Nothing but a lighting hitting me right on chest every time I look at him but that was the problem; I was so focused on the rain, on the clouds and lighting that I've never searched for the sunshine, I never thought I needed one. That was all before I met the bundle of joy sitting right across from me, blushing head to toe just because my best friend gave him a compliment on his looks instead of his dancing, came to my life.

''You are so cute! Look at him Minie, oh gosh he is getting redder!''

Ravi is always the easy one to get on with since he himself is a sunshine powered by his own will. It's no wonder for me that he realizes he met his own kind. But Kai, he is a hurricane when it comes to me and whom I am being close with so it's no wonder he is trying to find something, anything to make the boy across from us squirms under his gaze. Having two best friends within the same profession we all do is a rare gift. Rarer for those like me. Rarer for those like Jiminie.

''Is he always this shy or is this because of us only?'' Kai wonders rightfully. We are in a business where nothing stays hidden, where every mistake you do stays unforgotten. In order to survive that you need to be open, you need to be able to hide your insecurities behind a smile and you have to control your cheeks even when your cheeks are as cute as Jiminie's when they get redden.

''This isn't even the full force'' I chuckle. ''Try putting a tiara on him.'' As my teasing gets him more frustrated with a combined force of Ravi cooing and pinching his cheeks, he finally lets go of his silent demeanor.

''Hyung, not funny!! And Ravi hyung, you know it's not possible to take someone else's cheeks and make them yours by pinching them, right? Please stop it.''

''Aigoo he has a cute voice too'' And there goes Ravi pinching his cheeks again as Jimin rolls his eyes. What can I say I love my friend and I love seeing Jiminie thinking something other than the giant elephant shadowing every thought he has.

As we chat or rather Kai interrogates and Ravi admires Jiminie; I don't realize how fast the time passes not until a ringing fills our ears.

''Ah, Joonie Hyung is calling. Allow me.'' Jiminie murmurs as he gets up and leaves to the balcony. He is still in our vision but far enough that we can talk without him hearing us.

''Such cute manners. Such cute cheeks. Can we adopt him Miniee!!'' Ravi cheers as Kai pinches his cheeks to stop him from talking even louder.

''We have you, why would we want another child?''

''Minie, Kai is being mean again.''

''We will think about it, Ravi. But first, you know why I called you guys here right?'' I murmur while checking to see if Jiminie is done with his phone call.

''We are on a secret mission!! Kill the evil maknae!''

''I'm pretty sure it wasn't what I told you, Ravi.''

''Minie is right you Mongol we can't kill the kid. But oh boy we are going to make him suffer..''

I smile at the sight of Kai's wicked grin and I know right then Jiminie passed his tests. I can't help but pat his knee under the table to find out he is shaking it nervously while he clears his throat to speak again.

''So are you sure he is.. you know, ugh he is playing to your team? '' He murmurs with a sudden reddening to his cheeks. Even when we have been friends for this long, he still has trouble speaking directly of my ''condition'' as you know who once put it kindly.

'Not sure. That's why we are going to be glued to Jiminie's ass for the next two weeks.''

''His ass is cute too.'' Ravi blurts and I can't help but laugh out loud. I know he is not gay. He is not even straight. He is just too childish to take anything seriously let alone be in a relationship. I once had to accompany a one night stand to their home after Ravi played cards with them all night.

''And that right there Ravi is the reason you are single.'' Kai answers and I have to agree even when I know it will send Ravi into the ultimate ''I'm single because I couldn't be an album'' kind of corny jokes marathon.

''Anyways, Ravi you will be close to everyone and get info from the other members. Kai, you want to be the one hitting on Jiminie or the one who pisses off the Cocky Maknae? ''

''Why can't I be the one pissing the maknae? You know I am quite irritating? I can do it Minie.''

''You are right Ravi yet you are quite irresistible too. We wouldn't want that to go to waste would we now?''

''Ah, right!!!'' He turns his attention to his phone as Kai sighs to his innocence as he always does.

''I will take the torture part. You know I like making assholes like him suffer. Also, you seem like you already started with the hitting on part, haven't you?'' Kai has a frown on his face but I know he is not angry with me. He is just concerned that I might be getting myself involved with someone who wouldn't return my affection once again. But I know better.

''Don't worry Kai. I know a lost cause when I see one. I can't fall for the fallen and expect him to catch me when he himself hasn't been caught in the first place..'' I shrug at the tense atmosphere when even Ravi raises his eyebrow at me seriously. I chuckle to ease their worries. ''Even when the person in question looks like that.'' I gesture to Jiminie's posture which looks like a fallen angel with a halo over his head by the sun setting behind him on the balcony. He looks ethereal. I know a lost cause when I see one but apparently, my heart doesn't since it gets hectic when he raises his head and smiles at me as our glances meet.

''I'm sure you do, Minie, I'm sure you do.'' Kai's voice drifts in the background as I can't help but stare at the person who finally finishes their call and comes slowly back to me, back to us. With each step, that familiar smile covering his face takes my breath away more and more admirably. I need to be careful, I need to be very careful cause this feels ten times worse than the first fall I took. This feels a whole another level of crazy.

  ** Sorry for the late updates. I have major exams nowadays so I don't really have time to focus on anything other than them. But good news for those 5 people who follow and vote, I'm sure you guys know yourselves. Send me your requests about what you want in this story to happen or any particular scene you want to be written and I will do it as a punishment for late updates, okay? :)  

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