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Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours yet we still have no idea where Jimin hyung is. Chaos took over the building a long time ago. Everyone is trying to reach him but his phone is turned off. Everyone is trying to come up with somewhere, anywhere that he could go to but none of them reveals him. If it was a normal day, we wouldn't be this worried since he is grown man and can take care of himself but knowing that none of us can replace his show down.. and we only have two hours to find him.. I feel like throwing up.

''Can't we at least learn the choreography? I mean we need to be ready if he shows up.'' Jin hyung is right; it's better than not doing anything.

''And how do you plan to do that when Jimin is the one who prepared the choreography?'' Manager hyung is the one with less hope. He is planning on what to do when he gets fired because of losing a chance to shine right beside SHINEE. I have to do something.. I am not the golden maknae for nothing right? I can pull this off.

''I can do something new. We still have two hours. That's more than enough for me.''

My words bring a new hope to the room. I can see the wheels turning in everyone's mind. If someone can pull this off, it is me and we all know it.

''Adds didn't mention any specific member so we should be alright'' Hobi hyung finally smiles for the first time as well as Tae hyung but gets cut when manager hyung starts laughing like crazy. Crazy as in tears in his eyes while clutching his stomach kind of laugh. We are confused.

''Jungkook bring some water.'' Namjoon hyung asks while helping Manager hyung to sit down. He might be losing his mind. I run to the vending machine and come back as soon as I can. I don't want to miss whatever it is making our normally death serious manager crack up like that.

''You-you want to do it?! Ha-ha! You want to- out of all you?!''

I know he is pissed at me for making Jimin hyung run away but we all know I am the best dancer in the group so his question doesn't even make sense to any of us.

''Yeah, why?'' I am losing my patience.

''You want to dance beside Taemin? '' He is still laughing but this time it makes sense. Taemin sunbae is one of the best dancers among idols also his style and mine doesn't even match but I can make it work.

''He can make it work. Also Taemin sunbae is the Shinee's maknae right? We can sell it as maknae against maknae? '' Hobi hyung's words cause another laughter wave to hit manager hyung.

''Do you think he is going crazy?'' Tae hyung is the one voicing our concern again.

''No, no I'm fine. This is just terrific.'' He manages to calm himself down but he has this sad twinkle in his eyes that says something isn't going to let me do the dance.

''Maknae against maknae.. That would sell right? We thought so when we were given the chance to go against Taemin but he rejected you. He didn't even give us a chance to explain your talents. He told us that he saw you and he wasn't impressed.'' I would say it doesn't hurt but it does and I can say others also know that since their anxious looks find me.

''We thought we wouldn't get a chance and they would give the show down to EXO but then Taemin specifically asked for Jimin. But Jimin was busy all day practicing for your dance.. No time for them to meet up but Taemin agreed to meet at night. They have been practicing for two weeks now. Together. I don't think you can beat that Jungkook. I don't think any of you can.''I don't know which news are more shocking; that someone specifically chosen Jimin hyung over me or that we didn't even noticed him not being at home for the past two weeks.

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