Chapter 4

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             After club ended, I grabbed my things, said goodbye to Tashihiro and Rai, and left for work. Meyadelia wasn't very far from my university. It made things easier for me, since I couldn't afford a car. I was just down the hill from my school in a big shopping district, the fourth store around the left corner.

              As I walked into the store, there were several girls in their school uniforms and cutesy clothing, looking at the products on the shelves. I felt so out of place in my dark clothing. I moved pass all the people to get to the back to change into my uniform. When I finally made it to the dressing room, my co-worker Ayame Noriko was dressing for work.

              Noriko has been working here the longest. She knows everything about the store. It's frequent customers, how the store runs, every company selling, everything. She's twenty-seven and has been working at the store since she was sixteen(they accepted part timers at age sixteen). I'm surprised she hasn't been promoted. She hopes to eventually. I hope she does too. Since she's been here so long, she treats everyone like family and wants everyone to treat her less formally. Although, it's kind of difficult for me.

               "Hi Noriko."

               "[Y/n], I keep telling you, call me Ayame. I promise you aren't cursing a god by doing so." she said as she finished tying her hair bow.

                "I know, I'm sorry Ayame. I keep forgetting."

                "It's fine. I'm not that offended by it." she said sitting down on the bench behind me.

                "How does it look in the shop?"

                 "It's packed in there. Were there any new products put on the shelves?"

                 "Yeah, we put up some new Pyo-chan products. It's not only the children that love him, but a majority of female teens do as well. I wonder why?"

                  "Did you happen to see their bags, phones, or clothing see any charms, photos, or pins?"

                  "Yeah, they had star charms and pins. They also had screens with photos of STARI..." she trailed off, realizing what it meant.


                   "So they are there because of one of the members. It's too bad that the Pyo-chan lover wouldn't come to our shop if our lives depended on it."

                    "Do you mean Natuski Shinomiya?"

                    Ayame rolled her eyes," Of course you'd know his full name."

                   "What's that supposed to mean?" I said as I looked at her in my locker mirror.

                    "It means that you are a devoted fan." she said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

                    "By the way, did you see the weird man out in the shop? He looked kind of creepy."

                     I looked at her in shock, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?! He could be a robber or even worse a kidnapper!!"

                    I slammed my locker closed(fully dressed of course) and stormed out of the dressing room, leaving Ayame alone in the room. I quickly walked to the front counter finding Kiyoshi at the front counter. I quickly walked up to her in fury.

To People's Irony [A Natsuki Shinomiya x Reader Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now