Chapter 16

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The 100 comes out today!!! Hope everyone gets to watch it and feel free to comment about it. Thanks for reading!



I was waiting, anxiously I will admit, in my dorm for Clarke to come. She had told me she would be here in a few minutes. I don't know why I felt so nervous, with my hands clammy and my throat dry, but I haven't really seen her that much in a few days. For a while, I was scared that she was ignoring me or something, but then she texted me right now and told me she wanted to see me.

Well, now that I think about it, that text could mean anything. It could mean that she wants to be with me, or that she would rather not see me again. Either way, I was nervous of what she was going to say.

I suddenly heard my door open, wide and welcoming, and Clarke stepped in. Her footsteps were in tempo with my heartbeat and my stomach lurched at the sight of her, though I would never admit to it. Clarke had her curly blonde hair down with two strands tied to the back of her head. Her pink cheeks looked smooth and clear, showing off her soft fair skin.

"Hey, Bellamy." she smiled at me, her perfect white teeth showing just under her full pink lips. I felt my stomach turn again as she said my voice, as it always did when she said anything at all. 

"Hey, Princess." For a minute the air around us was stuffy and filled with a quiet weight.  Clarke stared at me with a look I couldn't really describe, but I'm sure that I've looked at her the same way many times.  

"Bell," Clarke said, breaking the silence.  Her voice was no more than a whisper, deep and questioning, "We need to talk." 

I patted the bed next to me, unable to make words come out of my dry clenched throat.  If I was nervous before, now I was downright scared.  I liked Clarke, more than I've liked anyone else.  Well, besides Octavia.  And there had been this one girl, Gina, but we broke up.
Wait, why am I thinking about my ex-girlfriend right now?

I shook the thought of Gina from my head as Clarke sat down next to me, the bed creaking at the extra added weight.  Clarke blushed, but caught herself and immediately wiped the redness from her face and long, curved neck.  I stopped my eyes as they took in her neck, peeking out from behind the curtain of hair falling from her head.  

"What about?" I smirked, trying not to show how much I really cared for her.  If she broke my heart right this second, I didn't want to make the weight of it even heavier on her with my added emotions.  

Clarke bit her lip (god, I loved it when she did that) and looked me right in the eye, baby blue to brown, sky to dirt, beautiful to ugly.  Man, she was so beautiful.  My eyes kept trailing down to her luscious lips against my will, no matter what my brain told my eyes they refused to listen.  The little mole on top of her lip twitched as she tried not to smile, something even cuter than the lip biting.  I noticed at that moment that we were only one or two inches apart now, a mere distance that could be non existent in just a matter of time.  I felt myself itching to move forward, to connect our lips in a battle of dominance.  

As these thoughts flooded my brain, I wasn't aware that our lips were already connecting.  Her lips fit mine perfectly, a sign from the fates, even the small curve of her upper lip melded into mine at just the right moment.  I grabbed at her waist, bringing her closer to me, closer than we'd even been, until her chest was pressed against mine, and I felt every curve of her body under the slight touch of my hands.  Her faint heartbeat and mine fell into sync as we kissed.  Her hands were in my dark curls, pulling them and moving them around with her artist fingers.  I felt my mouth open and hers did the same, deepening the moment with harder kisses and touches.  

Much like how the kiss started, I hadn't realized that we were laying down on the bed now, my back to the comforter and Clarke on top of me, her hands now moved to my chest but our kiss still intense, if not more.  The smell of her hair wafted into my senses, making them weak and vulnerable.  She was soft and delicate under my touch, the exact opposite of the tough and hardened princess that I always saw.  I liked this Clarke, the one that showed emotions, that let me hold her when she was vulnerable.  

Suddenly, she pulled away from me, catching her breath.  Her chest moved up and down against mine as she smiled at me with a mischievous look in her eye and a smirk on her lips.  

"We didn't do much talking did we?" Clarke laughed, the sound echoing beautifully through the room.  In that moment, I wish I could capture the sound in a jar and keep it forever, to listen to when I needed her the most.  

"Oh, yeah.  What did you want to talk about?" I wasn't nervous anymore.  With the way she had just been kissing me, I knew for certain that she liked me back as much as I liked her.

"How much I love this." 

And with that, we were kissing again, her arms running up and down mine and my hands feeling her soft tendrils of hair that smelled of flowers.  I didn't know if I had kissed her or if she had kissed me, but that sure as hell didn't matter to me as long as she was in my arms.  


I was jealous.  The little green monster that everyone always talked about had taken root in my brain, turning every thought bitter and insolent.  Before we had come to the Academy, I had been the closest thing Lexa had to a family.  We did everything together, we were basically the same person.  But now?  

I felt my eyes drift over to the kitchen table where Lexa was sitting.  With her new friends.  Lincoln and Octavia next to her, while she talked to Raven happily.  Jasper.  Maya.  Monty.  Harper.  Only Clarke and Bellamy were missing, but who knew where they were.  And me?  I sat at a farther off table with other Grounders who weren't paying the slightest attention to my loathsome stares across the kitchen.  

Why couldn't Lexa see that I have been there for her all along?  I was her first friend, first everything.  I loved her so much, as more of a friend, but she has been too blind to see it.  First it was Costia, with her grey eyes and dark hair, then it was Clarke, the stupid little princess.  Lexa had only said she was attracted to Clarke for the first day, but that was still more than I ever got.  And now she has Raven, the mechanic with a leg brace.  Like, what the fuck!  When is it my turn to have Lexa's feelings?  

I just want my best friend (and possibly more) back!  Skaikru can go to hell as much as I'm concerned, but Lexa is and always will be mine.  It's about time that these idiots know that.

So...I just watched the first episode of season 4 and I loved it!!!  I can't wait for next weeks episode!  Now that Clexa (my favorite ship) is no more, very sadly, I hope Bellarke (my second favorite ship) can come into play!  If you want to talk about the show with me, just comment.  I would love that!  Anyway, please comment and vote!  Thanks for reading!


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