Chapter 11

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I felt the bus stop underneath me.  The humming stopped, along with the engine.  Rubbing my eyes, I sat up.  Outside the window, a huge building loomed in front of me.  It had an amazing glass dome with white walls and black balconies.  

Wow.  I could live here forever.

I heard the bus door open with a release of gas and waited for my chance.  The bus driver might take me back to Skaikru if he knew I was here, and I couldn't take that chance.  I needed to see Finn.  I saw the bus driver get up from his seat and walk down the steps out the door, a small limp in his step.  

I watched as he walked around the bus towards the back where the food supplies were.  I heard the back door open with a similar sound to the one the front doors had made.  Deciding this was my chance, I put my backpack back on and stood up.  I walked down the aisle with careful steps, making sure not to be loud with my brace.  I stepped down the stairs and off the bus, quickly walking towards the large front doors.  The bus driver had his back to me.  Perfect.  

I grabbed the big doorknob and turned it, swinging the door open.  It creaked and echoed through the big entrance hall, causing a few people that were in the corner to stop and stare.  I looked around the entrance way and felt my mouth drop open.

There were spiral stairs leading to god knows where, a large kitchen with marble counter tops, people bustling out of it, and long hallways leading off of the main room.  This place was beautiful in all its black and white marble glory.  I was drawing attention by now, a few people from the kitchen staring at me.  I heard some whispers and shouts, but I ignored them all.  I was still in awe.

I shook my head, snapping out of my reverie.  I needed to find Finn.  But where?

"Can I help you?" I turned my head and found a girl staring at me.  She had brown hair, high cheekbones, and green eyes.  She looked a bit annoyed, but I couldn't really tell.  Her lips were set in a thin line and her eyebrows were bent downwards.  I didn't recognize her from Skaikru.

"I'm looking for Finn Collins.  Do you know where he is?" the girl looked me up and down, as if she were sizing me up.  Her eyes looked curiously at me. 

"I can take you to him." she said, walking towards one of the hallways.  I followed her, trying my best to catch up.  The hallway was narrow and long, with white walls and wooden floors.  A few paintings were on the walls, displaying different pictures and nature scenes.  One of them was a painting of a lake, green trees and forest surrounding it.  The water was blue and green and had white paint to show the refracted light.  The leaves on each tree were delicate little scoops of various green hues. "What's your name?" 

"Raven.  Who're you?" I asked, trying to get as much information as I could.  The kitchen was filled with way more than 100 people, even though I knew for a face that Skaikru said they were only taking 100.

"I'm Lexa.  A Grounder." Lexa said.  She was serious, very serious, and I admired her for that.  I could tell Lexa wasn't one to mess around with.  

"Grounder?  I didn't know there were Grounders here." I muttered.  Lexa obviously heard me though because not a second later she smirked.

"And I didn't know that they were bringing more people from Skaikru." Lexa scoffed.  I suddenly felt uncomfortable knowing everyone would be questioning me soon enough.

"Yeah, well, they didn't send anyone.  I escaped." Lexa stared at me, confused, as if questioning why I would escape. "I need my boyfriend, Finn.  He's all I've got left." I explained, not knowing why I was.  Lexa just nodded her head at me and abruptly stopped walking.  We were in front of a white door in the middle of the hallway.  The name tag on the door said Finn in block letters.  It was Finn's dorm.  

"Thanks Lexa." I gave her a sideways smile, one that she returned immediately afterward.

"I'll see you around, Raven." Lexa started walking away, the braids in her hair swinging as she moved.  As I looked back at her, I saw a hint of a tattoo sneaking out of the shirt on her back.  

Forgetting all manners, which I usually did anyway, I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, opening the door.  The first sign was that I heard a weird moan.  It sounded like a guy.  As I walked into the room, what I saw would never leave my memory.  Finn stood in the middle of the room, grabbing the wrists of a blonde barbie.  She looked like she was trying to push him off, but it was probably hard when she didn't have control of her hands.  And it also must have been hard since his lips seemed to be trying to pull hers off.

"What the fuck is going on, Finn?!" I yelled, not caring if anyone outside of the room heard me.  Finn turned to look at me, his eyes wide with surprise.  The barbie took this as her chance and pulled her wrists free.  As soon as she did, she swung at Finn, punching him square in the jaw.  Finn yelled in pain and cupped his jaw, looking even more surprised.

"Raven, what are you doing here?" Finn's voice was full of shock as he tried to avoid the death glares of both the barbie and me.

"Well, I came to be with my boyfriend, but instead found him assaulting a girl that's passively cute enough for him to get busy with!" I shouted, not caring about anything right now.  Rage boiled in my stomach and head, my vision clouded with red.  I clenched my fists, digging my short nails into my palms.

"Raven, its not like that!" Finn said back, trying to defend himself.

"Stop trying to save your ass and get the fuck out of here before I kick you with this brace.  Which, need I remind you, you gave me cause you were driving the car when we crashed, you son of a bitch!" I cursed more and more as he stayed shock still, eyes full of terror.

"Get the hell out of here, Finn!" the barbie yelled, earning a desperate look from Finn.  She just spit at him, the  glob of saliva landing right in between his eyes.  Finn wiped it off with the sleeve of his shirt as he stood up.  Right before he left, when he was passing by me to get to the door, I gutted him.  I drove my clenched fist into his stomach, making him groan.  Clutching his stomach and jaw, Finn ran from the room, his hair flying out behind him.  I felt angry, as if my blood was boiling.

Not a second after Finn ran out of the room, Lexa and another guy ran in.  The guy was tall and had floppy dark hair.  He ran straight to the barbie, checking to see if she was ok.  

"You ok?  We heard screaming." Lexa's face showed very little emotion, just letting a concerned look slip past as she looked between me and the barbie.  When I nodded that I was ok, she looked to barbie again.

"Clarke, are you ok?  Everyone heard shouting." so barbie's name was Clarke.  Clarke nodded also, rubbing her wrists.  

"It was just my two-timing son of a bitch boyfriend." I said.  I could hear the bitterness in my own voice. "Well, ex-boyfriend." 

The guy that had come in still had his attention on Clarke.  He was trying to see her wrists, but she was looking at them herself already.

"Bellamy, it's ok.  I'm fine." the guy, Bellamy, looked unconvinced, but he stopped trying to check her for injuries.  Bellamy turned his head to look at me, probably trying to figure out who I was.

"Why don't we talk about what's going on over lunch?  And we'll start by you telling us who the hell you are."

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