Chapter 20

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Hey guys!  Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!  Please tell your friends about this story!  And I know that this fanfic isn't related to the Vampire Diaries, but I just finished the fourth season and I need to talk to somebody about it!!!



I heard someone shouting, a girl.  The voice sounded familiar, one that I would never forget.  I walked down the dorm hallway to find Anya practically run past me, her hair flying out behind her and her eyes furious.  

"Anya-"I started, but my throat closed off when I saw Anya was giving me a death glare.  Ok, then.  I kept walking down the hallway, trying to find out what was going on.  After a minute, I found Lexa, the voice I had heard shouting, leaning against the wall outside her dorm.  Her face was staring straight ahead, not sad or happy, just plain.  Her beautiful forest eyes were emotionless as I approached her.  

"Lexa, are you ok?" I placed my hand on her bare shoulder, her tank top strap sliding down her arm.  Her skin was smooth and warm, tan but not as tan as mine.  Lexa started shaking her head, her thin eyebrows narrowing along with her eyes,  

"Anya left.  She just left."  Lexa's voice sounded strained, as if she were trying really hard to talk.  I placed both my hands on her shoulders and led her away from the wall and into her dorm, closing the door behind us.  Her room was still completely void of any personal objects, I saw as I pulled her to her bed and made her sit down on it.  I found myself sitting next to her, my hands still on her shoulders.  My angle was awkward though, and my metal leg brace ended up biting into my thigh.  

"What happened?" I asked her, truly wanting to find out what was going on.  Lexa was just staring blankly at the dark wood floors.  

"Anya talked to me and made me choose between you and her.  I chose you." Lexa looked up at me, her eyes shining for some reason.  It took me a moment to realize that Lexa was close to crying.  Her pink pouted lips were pulled down and her long thin nose seemed even longer up close.  

"You as in just me?  Raven?" I asked, sounding like a complete idiot even though Lexa knew I was far from it.  I felt my chest tighten as she nodded at me, as if Lexa had reached her hand into my body and was twisting my heart, like in all of those TV shows.

I leaned towards Lexa and wrapped her up in my arms.  I was small compared to her tall figure, but I didn't find that a problem at the moment.  She felt warm in my arms, which went perfectly around her like two pieces in a puzzle.  Lexa lay her head against my chest, right under my chin, which was raised just slightly.  Both of Lexa's arms went around me, her delicate hands against my shoulder blades.  She pulled me closer towards her and she seemed to crumble under me, every emotion that she had held back over the last few months was spilling out of her.  

I placed my hand in her brunette hair, feeling the soft strands underneath my fingers.  I felt Lexa's hot breaths against my chest, but I wasn't uncomfortable at all.  Suddenly, Lexa pulled away, her face back to no emotion.  No traces of sadness or tears even left.

"I'm better." Lexa said, her voice even and smooth.  I looked at her unconvinced.

"Better my ass." I said, my voice a bit angry. "Lexa, you need to talk about your feelings.  It's fine to be human, you know."  Lexa stared at me strangely.

"If I let my feelings show, every feeling will come at once.  Everything I've worked hard to prevent will be all for nothing." Lexa's words broke me on the inside, for I was the exact same way.  After Finn and I 'broke up', I blocked up all of my feelings, not wanting to show anybody how hurt I was on the inside.  

"After the thing with Finn happened, I felt the same way you do right now.  Heartbroken, lonely, as if the only person in the world you had had just left you." Lexa stared at me with big eyes, as if she couldn't believe that I understood how she felt. "I bottled up my emotions, like you, and you're the first person I tell.  Sometimes I convince myself I still need him.  But, if he couldn't realize that he had me, then he's not worth it."  I said, looking down at my hands.  I no longer felt anything for Finn, he had completely left my heart, leaving a scar, but just a small one.  One that might be able to be repaired by a certain someone.  

"Anya has been my best friend, since, well, since freshman year.  But then she said...she said...she was in love with me." Lexa said, her voice monotone.  I felt my heart drop and my fingers start to shake.  Gulping down a ball of saliva in my mouth, I found the courage to talk.  My voice was shaky and uncertain.

"And what did you tell her?" 

Lexa looked at me and sighed. 

"That my heart was already taken." Lexa stared in my eyes and something inside of her seemed to break. "Ah, screw it." 

And with that Lexa leaned forward.

Thanks for reading, please comment and vote!  


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