Chapter 15

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The 100 season 4 comes out this Thursday!!!  I've been waiting for the day since the end of season 3!  Anyway, thanks for reading!



"So, how are we going to do this again?" Octavia asked, peering up at the both of us from under her thick eyelashes.  Raven huffed, annoyed.  Her brown eyes were already filled with irritation at Octavia's constant useless questions.

"Octavia!" I yelled, frustratingly, also fed up with her easily lost memory.  The green eyed girl shrugged, as if telling us she couldn't help it.  Raven sighed and pointed at the map of the Academy on her wall.  Little tacks with names on them were stuck on different parts of the board, showing different parts of their plan.  

Raven pointed out the different positions and parts of the plan, one by one.  She said it slowly and clearly, to make sure Octavia understood what to do.  At the end of the discussion, Octavia nodded her head and said she understood what to do.  Raven looked at me after that.

"Ready?" Raven sounded serious, as if we were going into battle.  Well, now that I think about it, it sort of did seem like we were going into battle.  

"Yeah, lets do this." I smiled at them mischievously and headed out of Raven's dorm, facing the prospect of what we were about to do.  Leaving Raven and Octavia to do their business, I walked down the hallway and into the entrance way.  There were a bunch of people just walking around or hanging out.  In the past week, much to my happiness, many Skaikru and Grounder students had started hanging out, seeing as the one they respected most, Lexa, hung out with us.  

I looked around the room, unsure of where to find the person I was searching for.  Monty.  Harper.  Jasper.  Maya.  Bellamy.  It took all of my strength not too approach Bellamy as he talked to Lincoln, maybe for the first time.  This mission was too important to blow by talking to my boyfriend.  Suddenly, a certain tall brunette walked into the room, followed by Anya.  Just who I was looking for.  I took a deep breath and straightened my face, getting ready to use my amazing acting skills.  

"Lexa!" I shouted as soon as I was near her, narrowing my eyes.  I drew the corners of my lips down and flared my nose.  I was angry.  I was angry.  I was angry.  

"Hey, Clarke.  You ok?" Lexa was staring at me with a confused expression, unsure of why I looked so mad.  Anya looked annoyed behind her, obviously not liking the fact that I was cutting into her Lexa time.

"No, I'm not ok!  You're stupid Grounders are a disgrace to this Academy!" A few heads turned towards us, but not so many that this would become a problem later on.  

Lexa's eyebrows furrowed, her eyes angry and surprised.  Anya looked even angrier.

"Excuse me?  What the fuck are you talking about?!" Lexa seemed worried about what was going on.  I needed to make her angry, though, not worried.

"Maybe the problem with the Grounders is there leader." I said, straight faced now, as if daring Lexa to challenge me.  

"What the hell is your problem, Clarke!" Lexa stepped closer to me, now just a few inches away from me.  Her minty breath fanned across my face and I felt scared for the first time with Lexa.  She could easily beat me up with just a bat of her perfect eyelashes.  I didn't really want to take that chance, now that I thought about it.  

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Octavia pass us, her eyes drifting to me and her head nodding so slightly that no one would be able to tell if they weren't studying her movements.  That was my cue.

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