Chapter 3

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Thank you for reading this story!  There are plenty more chapters to come.  I would also like to thank @asha_surf for commenting!  You've been so helpful!  I welcome any comments or critiques!  They make writing so much easier. 



As I left my room, questioning where everyone was, I found my questions immediately answered.  Shouts and screams were coming from downstairs, ringing against the high white walls.  Bellamy would probably be down there.  He was always in the middle of trouble.  But I shouldn't say anything, because wasn't I exactly the same?  

I descended the stairs one step at a time, thinking about how amazing the academy was.  Big rooms, cool people, a family.  I couldn't think of the last time I had felt like this.  I still remember the day I had been taken away.  My mother couldn't afford two kids and we had all been living in a one-room apartment.  We would run out of food for three people a lot, so, one day, my mother sent me to an adoption center.  I was nine at the time.  She kept Bellamy.  I ended up being enrolled in Skaikru high school when I was fourteen.  Bellamy was coincidentally enrolled in Skaikru last year, but I only was able to see him a few times throughout the year.  He was always surrounded by his many girlfriends.

When I got to the kitchen, my footsteps silenced by the crowd occupying the room, I laughed.  I didn't want to, but it just seemed to bubble up inside of me.  There were dozens of tables set up around the kitchen, seating all of the 100.  Boxes of snacks littered the floor and tables, ranging from animal crackers to gummy bears.  I turned my head, seeing Bellamy standing away from the crowd, smirking.

"What the hell, Bellamy?" I approached him angrily, all feeling of laughter gone when I saw his annoying smirk.

"We're free, O.  We can do whatever the hell we want!" he yelled the last part, causing a loud cheer to go up in the room.  

"Just because we're free doesn't mean we can act like animals!" I shouted over the noise, furrowing my eyebrows.  Some of the 100 had already started climbing on top of the tables.  

"Don't worry, I've got this under control, O." Bellamy smirked again, getting me even more angry.

"You can't do this, Bell!  The 100 will go crazy if you keep this up.  We at least need some rules!" I yelled at him.  I still wasn't able to hear my own voice.  Bellamy's head suddenly turned towards the entry way, following somebody's movements as they made their way through the kitchen.  It was Clarke Griffin, the blonde artist.  "Bell, listen to me.  You need to be a leader!  A good one!" 

Bellamy was still staring at Clarke, a glint in his eye.  I knew that look far too well.  Clarke was a nice enough person, a bit bossy at times, but cool.

"Oh, no, Bellamy!  You are not going to go after even more girls!  You have enough to begin with!" I looked at Bellamy, frustrated. "And Clarke would never go for someone like you."

By now, Clarke was sitting at a table, next to spacewalker, an Asian kid, and another kid with goggles on his forehead.  A girl with dirty-blonde hair sat in front of them, laughing.  I think her name was Harper.

"Please, O.  Once I've introduced myself, she'll be begging me to take her." Bellamy said, a spark in his eye.  His eyes were trained on the blonde's movements.  I could see Clarke looking around, annoyed even more than me.  She certainly wouldn't like Bellamy.  

Suddenly, the door to the Academy was thrown open and slammed closed.  Everyone in the room turned, including me.  A man in a crisp suit stood in the entrance, staring unbelieving at us.  He had dark skin and was buff.

"I'm Superintendent Pike.  I'm your principal." An awkward silence filled the room, everyone looking around at each other.  I looked at Bellamy, who was pale in the face. "I missed my flight." Pike's words were rigid and slow, as if he were deciding what he should do with us.  

I heard a thump on the ground, and I saw John Murphy had jumped off one of the front tables.  He walked over to Pike, laughing to himself.

"What makes you think," Murphy said loudly, his voice echoing around the room, "that we need a principal.  We're fine on our own!" Pike considered his question for a second.

"Well, considering how much you've eaten already, I would say you have about a month's supplies of food left.  Without school money, you can't buy more food, and you can also lose this school since it belongs to me.  So, if you don't want to have me as your principal, you might as well just walk out right now." Murphy stared stonily at Pike, as if wondering if what he said was true.  

No one even moved an inch.

"Now that we've established that," Pike smiled, almost like the one Bellamy had given earlier, "Everybody get to your rooms and stay there!" Everyone jumped off the tables, quickly getting out of the room.  I saw Clarke looking relieved yet apprehensive from across the room.  I walked out of the kitchen quickly, careful not to trip on the stairs as everyone moved up.


I knocked on the dorm door, sending the sound echoing down the hallway.  Man, I just loved how everything echoed here.  After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing Clarke.

"Hey, princess." I winked at her, drawing her into my trap.

"What are you doing here, Bellamy?  You're supposed to be in your dorm." Wait, did she look annoyed.  Hmmm, I've never had this kind of reaction from  a girl.  Gaining more confidence from Clarke's beauty, I walked past her, into her room.  "What the hell?" she closed the door behind her, coming near me.  I was already stretched out on her bed, raising my eyebrows suggestively.  

"You're getting my bed dirty." was all she said, looking at my shoes.  

"Feisty princess." I said, wanting her even more.

"Why does everyone call me that?  I'm not a princess, and I never will be.  Those girls are annoying." Clarke scoffed, looking frustrated.  Her eyes seemed impossibly blue when I stood only a foot away from her.  I realized how strange of a color her hair was, almost gold with strands of pale yellow and some the color of the sun.  How had I not talked to her before?

"Well, Princess, you look as beautiful as one, that's why."  Clarke looked suspiciously at me.

"What do you want?" she asked, so much force in her voice it felt like I was being pushed away instead of pulled closer.

"You're pretty, I'm handsome, we're the perfect couple." I smiled one of my blinding smiles at her, but she just scowled.

"And what makes you think I would go out with you?" she crossed her arms over her chest, which only accentuated her curves.  I quickly stood up, startling Clarke, and walked towards the door.  I put my hand on the knob.

"Because, Princess, no matter how much you deny it, you are attracted to me.  Meet me at twelve in the library tomorrow." I winked and opened the door, stepping out of the dorm.  Clarke would fall for me soon enough.  I knew she would.

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