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Listen up  you lazy ass motherfuckers on Rate the Coveer Above You, you have to do more than rate.

For instance, I critque someone then post a gif blend that I'm proud of. Then the person underneath me has a slap text cover and just goes: 7. 

That's it- a 7. i'm not complaining on the rate I got, but just how that person ceased to tell me how I got it. 

There's so many annoying critiquers, let's sort them in group)s.

1. The Bull Shitter. You can post a cover you made on frickin paint and they'll just go: 10/10!!!!!! I wish I could do something like that :):):):)!!!!

2. The Rater: mentioned above. They're entire critique is a number.

3. The Blunt, Mean One: I can be like this towards certain things. Mostly threads. Like I am brutally honest if you tell me to go 100% honest asshole in my critique. But when you as for a sort of nice one, just so you can get your daily dose of flattery: "Your title placement sucks more dick than my prostitute sister."

4. The One that Puts People Down: you can be the best designer in the world and they won't go up more then 4/10 because they're in charge here.

I'm not even going to read over this. I'm posting and dats final. My spelling prob sucks titties.

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