Chapter 22

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Hey guys, just a little note that I kind of removed Chad from existence. I don't really remember the point of him when I wrote this story and now he's just kind of an annoying lose end I want to get rid of so I kinda just erased his existence. Honestly there was literally no point to him. And looking back I now realize that I seriously need to edit the beginning of this book so that will be happening sometime in the near future. Anywho enjoy!!


 My eyes were tired when I finally woke up, however I don't remember falling asleep on this comfy bed. As far as I know I passed out on the couch as soon as we got back to the hotel room, Damon had to practically carry me the whole way because of how tired I was. 

After feeding last night I tried to seduce Damon only to have him glare at me and say something about how he refuses to sleep with me while I'm under the influence of both blood and alcohol, which of course ended in me throwing a vampire tantrum and going back into the club and dancing with every other guy until I was too tired to stand. I really don't know why Damon still puts up with me.

I rolled over, deciding I wasn't going to get up anytime soon, only to feel a hand being ran through my hair in a soothing manner. Smiling, I sighed in content before realizing there shouldn't be a hand in my hair and sat up, pushing myself away from the person so fast I almost fell off the bed.

"Jesus, Damon" I breathed out, placing my hand over my racing heart.

He raised an eyebrow at me then continued talking to someone on his cell phone. Apparently I'm a heavy sleeper or he's a very quiet talker because I was basically laying on him. God who talks on the phone while creepily petting someone's head?

"No, other than trying to fuck many different people she did fine. Nope. Not even hints of her power, apparently if she's focused enough on one thing then they don't show up. Yeah, I still don't know, Luc's working on it. How are him and Rikki by the way?" he finally asked, pausing every once in a while to listen to who I assume is Jason.

I ran a hand over my face before crawling back towards the pillows and laying back down in fetal position, facing away from Damon so hopefully he couldn't see all the emotions flying over my face. Why did I have to be so different? Having a bitchy vampire sister who drank from me and a murderous father while I was human wasn't enough. No, now as a vampire I have a soul mate whose brother is my ex and I have some weird powers that probably make people want to kill me. Seriously, what the fuck? 

Before I knew it there were tears running over my face, so I closed my eyes, trying to focus on keeping quiet so Damon wouldn't notice. Last thing I need is him comforting me so I can just get close to him and want to bite him again. 

Unable to stop myself, I sniffled, then cursed in my head. Maybe he'll think you just need to sneeze. Yeah, totally just play it off. Do a quick sneeze and we'll be good. Wait? Shouldn't he be talking?

I focused back into his conversation, trying to hear zone my hearing onto whoever's on the other side of the call, only to hear Jason in the middle of a sentence "-has been snooping around the house, probably for her so keep an eye out" 

"I will" was Damon's short response while I felt someone staring at me.

I wiped away my tears and hugged the pillow to me so my face was in it. Now someone else is looking for me, who's most likely dangerous. Maybe if I just give myself up all this will stop and they'll leave Jason's family alone.

"No" Damon stated in a hard voice, Jason's voice came through the phone "I didn't say anything" only to be answered by Damon saying "Not you" shit. That means me.

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