Chapter 3

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My eyes immediately found breathtaking bright green eyes. 

“Mark” I stated almost a whisper

“Where the hell do you think you’re going, you were seriously just about to walk back over to where Jazz was after everything that just happened.

“No! I was going to the other gym doors” I stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Mark sighed loosening his grip around me “Lynn in order to do that you have to pass where she is” oh. 

“Like I said earlier. Idiot” Damon's chimed in

I glared at him “Damon don’t call her that, she's not an idiot” Mark defended, coming to my rescue.

“Awe defending your little girlfriend, how cute” Damon said in an irritatingly calming voice.

Mark let his arms drop from around me completely “I’m not his girlfriend” I stated walking away from Mark and towards the gym once again.

“Lynn ill tell them cheer practice is canceled. You stay here with Damon and Mark. Don’t leave their side” Jason said to me. Good deal, less walking for me.

“Okay” I told Jason.

I looked over towards Jazz. Damon was locking her in Jason's office, probably so he could deal with her later. 

Then the gym doors crashed open “LYNN!” Rikki came and tackled me to the ground in a hug.

“Are you okay?! Oh my god you could have died! You didn’t have to do that for me!” she complained.

Through her hug I could see Damon watching us with both worry and shock in his eyes. Oh my gosh I can’t even imagine how this is for him either. But then again it is his fault he left, man I wonder how Rikki's gonna react to seeing him. 

He met my eyes and I immediately turned away focusing my eyes back on Rikki while pushing her off me. A hang came out of nowhere to help me up. I looked up to see Mark, eyes full of compassion…weird. I placed my hand in his and he pulled me up placing his hand on the small of my back.

 I reached my hand out towards Rikki “come on” I said pulling her up as well.

“So um, close your eyes” I told Rikki and she did as I said.

I walked Rikki closer to Damon then stopped her and I walked closer to Damon by myself.

“Stay there” I told Rikki making sure her eyes were still closed.

I looked at Damon and spoke quietly so Rikki couldn’t hear “you get the choice to get out of here before she sees you or stay and rejoice with your little sister.”

“I'm staying Lynn” he stated sternly to me.

“Good. Now then, if you leave her and hurt her like you did last time I swear Damon I’ll-”

“Lynn your threats are useless. You’re all bark and no bite and everyone knows it” okay that pissed me off.

I slapped Damon actually hitting him hard enough to make his head move to the side. Now I'm satisfied. He turned back to me shock clear on his face but anger there along with it. His eyes were turning red and his fangs were coming out of his gums. I could hear a growl starting in his throat so I quickly made my move.

“Lynn what was-?” 

I interrupted Rikki “okay open your eyes” I said while hiding behind her watching Damon.

Damon's face changed back to normal in an instant then Rikki opened her eyes.

I heard her ask then she jumped on him wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, letting Damon hold her weight completely. If you haven’t noticed by now, Rikki's a hugger.

“DAMON!!” she cried into him squeezing him tighter. 

I smiled at her then walked back over towards the gym doors so I could get my backpack full of everything I need to take home.

I felt new warmth by my side which made me aware of the presence beside me. I turned and saw Mark and smiled at him saying “hey buddy!”

He laughed and replied “ello love” letting a British accent come through.

I smiled. His accent makes him so hot. I don’t know why but I’ve always had a thing for accents; especially British ones.

“So where we going?” he asked me still using his British accent

“The gym. I need my backpack and I need to change” I said noticing I was still in my exercise outfit which consists of cheer shorts and a sports bra. Oh crap! They all saw me without a shirt on! Oh man they must really think I'm a slut, especially Damon sense he just came back and saw me like this.

Suddenly self conscious of my body and lack of clothing I crossed my arms over my stomach and chest, trying to cover myself up. 

Mark chuckled and said  “Lynn don’t cover yourself up I’ve already seen you”

Well that makes me feel so much better, note the sarcasm. I frowned and ran off to the girls locker room to change. Once in there I slipped out of my practice outfit and put my school clothes back on. Which are my grey short shorts and dark blue tank top and a white see through cardigan to go over it. I left my cardigan unbuttoned and grabbed my bag then went back out of the girls locker room to look for Mark.

I found him surrounded by a group of girls looking both charming yet uncomfortable with all the attention he was getting. I smiled and walked towards them. I pushed my way to the middle and grabbed Mark's hand saying “sorry girls I need to steal him away” and pulling Mark out of the gym.

Once we were out I dropped Mark's hand and looked at him saying “you’re such a charmer Mark”

He laughed “thank you for that” 

I smiled “yup, now in return you get to carry my backpack, because my back hurts” I said handing him my backpack.

I put my hand on my lower back and tried to stretch the pain away but it didn’t work. Man Jazz really screwed up my back when she threw me into that wall.

“Lynn?” Mark asked and I looked up to see him standing in front of me with concern on his face

“I'm fine” I stated automatically and started walking to where Jason was waiting with Damon and Rikki.

“Lynn I want you to stay at our house tonight. I don’t wanna risk you getting hurt since I let Jazz go” Jason said

“Okey dokey at least this way I get a ride” I said smiling

“Lynn I told you to just tell me when you need a ride and I’ll give you one” Mark said

“Does that have a double meaning?” Damon asked smiling. Ugh only Damon would think like that.

“Damon you’re disgusting.” I told him

“Damon did you drive here?”  Jason asked him


“Good because I drove them today so you’re gonna have to take them in your car because I'm not going home yet” Jason stated walking away.

“Aren’t I lucky” Damon stated with sarcasm coming off every word.

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