Chapter 8

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The man turned towards me and I was faced with my past when he spoke “Lynn” he smiled and was about to walk towards me when Damon got in his path and growled at him.

“Wh…” I'm too shocked I can’t even form a sentence? Come on Lynn!

“Lynn” he smiled and I saw his fangs come out and his eyes change. 

I couldn’t breathe. My dad just changed into his vampire form because he wants to kill me. He wants to drink all the blood out of my body until I'm dead. Defiantly father of the year.

Tears welled up in my eyes, no Lynn you can’t cry in front of them. Not in front of your dad or Damon.

“Leave now.” Damon ordered “Or I will kill you” he finished.

Now I'm worried. I'm not sure how strong my father is and I don’t know if Damon would be able to beat him if they did end up fighting.

“Lynn honey, I don’t want to upset you. I just wanted you to know that I'm back for you. Now that that’s done, I will go, but I will be back” he told me and I couldn’t move. I was frozen to my spot as tears fell down my face

The father who killed my mother right in front of me then ran off, just came back to let me know he was alive and now he’s going to leave. He just plans on leaving after saying a coded message like I’ll be back.

The door slammed shut as the presence of my father faded from the room. I leaned back against the wall I was by and slid down it, bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around my legs and putting my head to rest on my knees.

I tried to play back what just happened in my head, forcing my tears not to fall as I did. 

“Hey,” I looked up at Damon who was looking down at me with a guarded expression in his eyes “you alright?” he asked.

My father who I thought had abandoned me after killing my mother and turning my sister into a vampire, just came back and announced his arrival just so I was aware of him and Damon's seriously asking me if I'm alright?

“No Damon. I'm not alright” I told him while putting my head back down to rest on my knees once again.

“It’s about time you stopped lying” he told me

Shocked, I looked back up at him “what are you talking about?”

“You know exactly what I'm talking about. Every time someone even tries to ask you what’s wrong or how you are your automatic response is ‘I’m fine’ and you’re a horrible liar. Always have been so everyone can tell you’re not really fine.” By this point of his rant Damon decided to take a seat next to me, also leaning against the wall.

I couldn’t stop the tears that fell from my eyes as I spoke “why did you leave us Damon? You didn’t even say bye and then you never came back! You didn’t even stop in just so we would know you were okay. Something bad could’ve happened and you wouldn’t have been there!” I yelled now looking up at him.

I was well aware that he could see that I was crying but he just sighed and said, “you really are so stupid sometimes Lynn”

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. Most guys when they see girls cry is they try and make you feel better and comfort you. But Damon? No. Damon has a better way of doing things. Instead he insults you to make you feel worse and want to hate him.

“Please tell me Damon how I'm being stupid” I told him while standing up

He stood up too “Well there's that fact that you don’t think things through before you do them. The fact that you’re to blind to see the way your actions and the choices you make affect everyone around you, not just yourself. You couldn’t even realize I was here the whole time Lynn! During every moment of your pathetic life I was here watching you and Rikki grow up. Making sure you were always safe when you idiots decided to sneak out alone”

I stood there speechless. He was here? The whole time? That’s impossible!

“No…” I tried to say but he cut me off

“Yes. For your tenth birthday party when Jazz threw her part of the cake on you. When you were twelve and you broke your arm. Hell Lynn, I was even there for your fifth grade spelling bee. I was always there. You might not have seen me but that’s because I didn’t need to interfere. Yours and Rikki's lives were going fine without me involved in it. Those Lynn are only some of the reasons you are stupid.” 

I never actually knew Damon could be like this. A part of me wanted to hug him, but another part wanted me to hit him. I mean how I was supposed to know he was there.

“So why did you show up now Damon? Why all of the sudden?”

His face changed into a smug smile “That love, isn’t for you to find out until I want you to. Now then, stop crying,” he told me while wiping off the tears that were on my face with his thumb. Keeping the rest of his hand still caressing my face “we have places to be. Go get dressed” he finished then dropped his hand from my face and stood there waiting for me to obey him.

I walked up stairs and quickly slipped on some dark blue skinny jeans and a long sleeve red top then grabbed my phone and walked back downstairs to Damon. 

“Where are we going?” I asked him while wiping the remaining tears off my face with my sleeve.

“It’s a secret” he told me smiling then walked over to where his jacket was hanging. 

He picked it up and put it on. It was leather black and looked really good on him. When he picked up my jacket and held it out towards me I walked over to him taking it and putting it on.

He was about to walk out the door but before he could I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

“Damon, where were going, I'm not going to get hurt am I?” I asked looking him in the eye.

“Now how am I supposed to know what you’re going to do?” he mocked

“Damon. Can I trust you?”

That’s when he finally looked right at me “You won’t get hurt.” He said then walked through the door and out to his car.

I followed him out trying not to worry too much about his answer. Hopping into the passenger seat of his car I automatically turned on the radio since he already had the car on and running. I wasn’t paying attention to where he was driving, hoping that I could trust he wouldn’t kill us, or me. 

Suddenly I was jerked to my right; my hands reached out to keep me from moving too much. 

I gasped, looking over towards Damon “what the hell what that!” I yelled

He smirked, still looking straight ahead “That was me turning. Just making sure you’re still alive”

I glared at him “So how long you gonna keep your hand there? I mean I'm flattered and all but…” Damon said and I looked town to see my hand was holding onto his thigh, really high up.

I quickly removed my hand and turned away blushing “sorry.” I told him, now looking out the window. 

The car came to a stop and Damon shut it off then turned towards me “you can stop blushing, you weren’t even close. Now come on, were here” he told me, now getting out of the car.

At his words I went wide eyed and my mouth dropped open “Damon!” I yelled after him, also getting out of the car.

But when I opened the door I was too shocked by my sight to yell at Damon.  In front of me was a huge building named Royal Green. What a cheesy name.

“Wait you brought me to a casino?!”


Sorry for taking so long to write this i had really bad writers block and i have been really busy with stupid school. Anyway I hope you enjoy. Vote and Comment!!

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