3rd Person's POVThe team seven finally begin the test. Unknown to them Akemi already have the 3 bells before Jiraiya could even say start and secretly slip it in her team mates pockets before snoozing herself out.
Akemi's POV
I woke up in the ring of the alarm. I noticed my team tied on the post while my wrist were tied too.
"Is this ropes suppose to hold me down? Pervy Sage" I asked sensie, he glarred at me
"Don't call me that!!!" He yelled, I rolled my eyes now I am tempted to if it puss him off then I will. I shred it like tearing a piece of paper in half since it didn't suck up my chakara.
"You're good huh. Although you didn't help or participated the test. Since none of you got the bells yo-" Sensie scolded, I rolled my eyes and released the transformation jutsu on the bells sensie was holding and it turned back into rocks.
"That was the oldest trick on the book Pervy Sage. Surely you would notice, the jingling of the REAL bells sounded different than the FAKE, a ninja must see through deception because a blind ninja is a dead ninja. You are a sannin, someone's high rank like you would've notice that I swap the bells earlier before you could say START. Now what were you saying earlier, Pervy Sage" I smirked knowingly, he pouted.
"You are smart but where is your bell then?"
"I don't have any. Even though I got them I gave it to my team. That's the point of this exercise right? Teamwork, as a genin its only a natural instinct for teamwork to take down higher ranks on mission and put your team right before you, dattebayo" I explained
"I knew there must be only 3 man squad and I knew very well that one of us could be kicked out or something. So I am simply putting them in front of me as a sign of sacrifice"
"I am impressed on your way of speaking Akemi. But could you're team make a decision like that knowing they will fail" Sensie challenge.
"Of course!"
"Were a team! Nobody us left behind"
"We can't let you kick out my sister. We stick together, dattebane!"
"You all pass" sensie said. I sighed in relief.
"Yeah!" They cheered. I smiled slightly but then frowned when realization hit me.
"But Pervy Sage.....there is only 3 genins on every one team but there is four of us, dattebayo" I said confused, he grinned and patted my head.
"Ahh so you noticed" he chuckled and caught everyone's attention.
"I was planning on removing one of you and placed you guys as Tsunade's apprentice or something but I guess she'll be here shortly" Pervy Sage shrugged, I rolled my eyes.
"You're wrong Pervy Sage. She's already here hiding behind that tree. I could tell even if she masked her chakara I am also a sensor ninja" I said.
Its true with Phoenix help on sensing chakara and had the eye of the Phoenix that can see clearly and even more enough to rival the Byakuggan. Tsunade came out of hiding eyeing me from head to toe.
"You've got some interesting students Jiraiya" Tsunade said.
"Yes. Minato Namikaze is my prized student, Daisuke Uchiha is the attacker while, Kushina Uzumaki is the distractor, and Akemi Uzumaki is...........the brains and.........mysterious?" Pervy Sage shrugged, I smirked at him.
"I don't think so Jiraiya. This little brat isn't just the brain, I could agree on the mystery one. Look at the way she was standing. Her guard is down but there is no opening!" Tsunade said and tried to punched me which I burst into a bunch of gold, red, and orange feathers
I reappeared behind her with a kunai in my mouth pointing at her vital spot on the neck, the other is pointed on her left temple while the other is hovering inches above her throat. She gulped realizing she doesn't NEED to move. I jump away from her backfliping in the midair and landed on the ground soundless and effortlessly.
"Is it okay if I beat this girl up? She pissed me off by that stunt of hers earlier" Tsunade hissed, I stared at her blankly.
"Careful Tsunade. She's clever, intelligent and cunning like a fox but wise and tricky like a Phoenix" Jiraiya warned. I smirked sadistically
"Bring it on grandma" I taunted
"Who are you calling grandma you brat?!" She exploded and rushed towards me.
She aimed a punch towards my face. On the last minute I jet towards the air leaving my cloak as a distraction along with the after image jutsu. I hovered in the air, its a good thing I decided to wear shorts today. She looked confused.
"An after image jutsu?" Tsunade and Jiraiya gasp. Yep that's an S ranked jutsu.
"Look up there!" Minato pointed at me

The Crimson Flame Of Konoha
FanfictionBlazing red eyes stared at its target. Watching in anticipation as the person in front of her burned before saying her name no rather her title ....... Crimson Flame....... left from his mouth before he was no more than a pile of ash. The said perso...