Minato's POVNext morning I was back on my work. Signing some endless pile of paper work while Akemi was assisting me. She insisted since she doesn't have anything important to do. After what happened yesterday she seemed to be calm about it and acted like nothing happened.
Of course who am I kidding? Akemi is a type of person who ignores 'inconvenient things' as she dub it. Something NON ORDINARY things happens yet she acted like it was a NORMAL thing and prefer to avoid it rather than worrying about unnecessary things she sees as before saying "I could care less if the fool is a hippo riding a frog across the street before he collapsed in exhaustion than the one who carried him. This is something beyond control. Its their problem and they have to solve it themselves otherwise they wouldn't be able to survive for far too long in the glaring heat of the sun"
Me and Akemi are complete opposites. I like talking she likes silence, i love the the she prefers the rain, i hate being straight forward while she bluntly stated her opinion. It's like mixing water and oil together.
"Hey Blondie. This paper works sucks. Why is there always a certain someone requests to carry their belongings and not carry it themselves" she stated"Hello Minato, Akemi. Having fun doing paperwork" Lord 3rd asked amused while entering the room.
"No offence but people around here is lazy. Who hires a ninja to carry their shopping bags and rescue a kitten from falling down?"
"None taken. Well they are still genins. I mean everyone did experience it"
"Not me. I experienced killing 13 rogue ninjas at the age of 5 does that count as experience?"
Time Skip~
2 weeks passed was a bit no a lot wierd. Akemi were having this strange mood swings and craving of food. Well mostly she would prefer making it herself but she just turned a little lazy and made some shadow clones to do it. Oh Rin, Obito, and Kakashi arrived yesterday. Kakashi is now ready to take the Jonin exams while Rin and Obito are qualified as Chunins.
In the mean time they were doing missions here and there but they still have to go back to Fire Island to finish their training. It's already night time so I be home to deal with Akemi's mood swings.
Akemi's POV
I stared down at the pregnant test In front of me. Positive. I rubbed my stomach. So that's why I'm having this morning sicknesses, strange cravings, and mood swings. I turned to the clock. Minato would be home soon so I will have to make dinner then. Ramen. I want some ramen.
"I'm home!" He called. Actually I got use to that so I replied
"Welcome home Blondie" I replied
I stirred the pot before I chopped some fruits for salad. I turned off the stove before I placed the salad in the freezer. I placed the ramen bowls on the table along with the food.
"Blondie! Dinner's ready!" I called
I sat in front of my food. Minutes later Minato finally came down on his pajamas. Black sweat pants and white shirt. We are in silence, there are some conversations here and there since he like talking. He was really carefree, kind, gentle, and playful but when we had *cough* *cough* sex *cough* *cough* he was cruel, demanding, merciless, and dominant. Which was really annoying. I want to be the dominant one but noooo he just have to rub it in my face that he had the power over me. Cocky bastard.
"So how was your day? It must be exciting since you haven't swung by earlier" Minato said
"You could say it was exciting. A hord of your fangirls tried to make me mesirable and half of them are still academy students. Fanboys throwing flowers and chocolates here and there so does that count?" I asked. He looked at me wide eyed
"Blondie don't talk when you still have food in your mouth" I scolded
"How come I am not informed by that?" He asked annoyed
"Then what? You're going to watch in the sidelines along with your minions and laughed at my misfutunate? No thank you" I said sarcastically
"I am glad you escaped alive then!" he laughed
"How dare you laugh at me you stupid blonde!" I yelled angerly. He quiet down after that.
I cleaned the dishes again. Okay how am I going to tell him. Blunt way or the slow way. Blunt way it is. I dried my hands before I went to the living room. Damn this is even harder than I thought.
"Minato" I called sitting beside him. Fuck I'm sweating like crazy.
"What is it? Something's bothering you" he said while closing the book he was holding.
"Um....... how can I say this....... " I said.
Hey idiot what happen to the blunt way
Shut up! I'd like to see you in my posistion
"Go on" he said.
"I-I'm...... I'm pregnant" I said softly
I hung my head low when he didn't say anything. I didn't looked at his face. He must be shock. And being an idiot he is he fainted. He freaking FAINTED, what a manly reaction I got. Then Kushina came inside
"Hey what happened?"
"I want to be alone. Before you ask he is responsible" I said
I shove the pregnant test stick in her hands before I ran out of the house crying. I feel unwanted. I ran without a care where I was going. I don't care.
He LOVES Kushina. He CARES for Kushina. And still now he still AFTER Kushina. I KNEW that. I KNEW very well that he do. EVERYONE does. Why is SHE always the center of attention? What does SHE have that I don't? Because I tried EVERYTHING for EVERYONE to notice me. Yeah sure they did but they still doesn't trust me. Am I really a MONSTER in everyone's eyes?
Why am I always the unwanted one?Why am I always got hurt in the end? Can't anyone just make me feel loved? Care? Safe? Wanted? Is that really too much to ask?
"What did I do to deserve this pain?"

The Crimson Flame Of Konoha
FanfictionBlazing red eyes stared at its target. Watching in anticipation as the person in front of her burned before saying her name no rather her title ....... Crimson Flame....... left from his mouth before he was no more than a pile of ash. The said perso...