Chapter 13

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Akemi's POV

            I stared at the Konoha nins for abit. Frowning as I did so.

Let me take over and have a word with them Phoenix demand

Alright but make it quick

"Phoenix want to have a word with you. I expect you won't like her attitude since she have a rather........ offending replies"

"Who is this Phoenix?" Jiraiya asked

"It's the thing that was sealed in her" Kushina said. Before I can even retort Phoenix pushed through my barrier.

Phoenix's POV

            I took over Akemi's body with out asking if she is ready. I don't care, i don't like this bitch one bit.

"Watch your mouth you brat! Need I remind you that you are in my territory. I could rip you into pieces if I wanted to even if you are the container of the nine tails I will not tolerate such disobedience in my presence!" I hissed while clenching my teeth

            They looked at me wide eyed. Kushina slunch in her seat. I glared as her aura got stronger. Nine tails

"Hey watch where you aim that mouth of yours!" Kyuubi hissed as the eyes of Kushina turned slit

"I am the twelve tails. You listen to me little brother. Your container is being such a bitch on calling me a thing" I scoffed,  he rolled his eyes

"Pffft yeah right. Don't you think I didn't know that? You are the eldest I expect you to be more wiser and have long patient than the rest of us" Kyuubi spit

"Hush you stupid furball. Both of us know I could squashed you effortlessly." I said while standing up, he also stood up as we glared into each other

"Yes but you didn't have the heart to" he pushed, i smirked and lean in

"Out of all the eleven tails you seemed to have the guts to talk back to me. You're really brave but you're are also a BAKA" I taunted, he grew an anime vien

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A BAKA?!?!?!" He launched foreward

            I grabbed his neck and slammed him down of the desk causing it to break. I held her right arm with my left hand and I step on her left hand with my right foot, I also have my knee on his stomach. I threatenedly spread my wings and smirked at his futile attempts on escaping.

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" Akemi's students chanted out of nowhere, since when did they got here? Nevermind. The rest of the Konoha nins looked at them like they are crazy

"Ern...... PHOENIX SAMA! STOP! eheehehe" they said nervously and poflofed away.... awkward.

"Hey! Let go feather bag!" K urama broke the awkward silence. Thank you.

"So tell me Furball. What does it feel to have your pride crushed in mere seconds?" I taunted. He glared at me even more

"Impossible!" The elders muttered in shock and disbelief which I completely ignore.

"You have been around the humans for far too long you started to adopt their way. Isn't that..... um what's the right word..... soft? Yeah that's right you're getting soft like your fur" I sniggered

"Why you--" we were cut off

"Phoenix that's enough. Stop teasing your brother" Akemi's voice rang out

"Back off Akemi! Stop ruining the moment" I hissed annoyed

"No. Let him go and help him up" she said firmly

"No way! Leave me be!" I clenched my teeth

"NOW OR I WILL MAKE SURE I WON'T LET YOU OUT FROM NOW ON!" She shouted kissing her cool and emotionless façade

"Stupid bitch" I mutter before I got off Kurama and help him back on his feet

"Touche" Akemi snorted

            I jab my hand on Kushina's seal and pulled out a miniature size of Kyuubi. He looks adorable like a chibi version. I sniggered when he tried to attack me, i held him on the scruff of his neck. Everyone in the room had their eyes wide and jaw dropped

"Oh my aren't you a cutie!" I chuckled at his unfortunate

"How dare you laugh at me!!!!" He yelled while trying to break free

"Now now little one. You seemed mad about me, does a scratch behind your ear make you feel any better" I cooked and scratch his ear

"STOP THAT! I DEMAND YOU PUT ME DOWN SISTER!" he yelled. I huffed and threw him across the room and into Minato's face.

"Why you!"

            He tried to tackle me but Ron grabbed him and tried to squeeze the life out of him. Of course the elders and the Hokage was still in a shock face

"Wait till the council of 12 hears about your misfortune little brother"

Akemi's POV

            I took over again. How annoying. I grabbed Kurama as he hissed at me. I deadpan at him and shove him back on his cell.

"Gomen everyone. Phoenix finds every person's suffering or unfortunate an amusing sight" I shrugged

            They stared at me before nodding completely speechless. I stood up as a palace maid enteredthe room bowing in respect.

"Princess the King told me to call you and the human visitors to inform you that dinner is ready" she said, i nodded

"Thank you Jasmine. We're on our way, you're dismissed" I said, she bowed down once more and hurried away.

            I teleported us there. They landed on their respected seats. I sat beside the King in front of me is the Queen, Sora sat next to her with Yuki his fiance next to him. Kushina sat next to me, followed by Daisuke, then Minato, his students, then Jiraiya. Then the Hokage at the end of the table, then on the other side are the elders. Did I mention that we were floating 5 feet above the ground? No? Well now you know.

            The Queen mentioned about the arrange marriage thing made my eye twitch. Sora laughed at me seeing my expression.

"Ohhhh Akemi you just got owned!~" he teased

"Shut your mouth Sora. I have no intention on talking to an airhead like you" I sneered

"Whatever you say" he laughed, I glared at him

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