Akemi's POVSince I am a sensor nin I lead the way. Its been half an hour since we ran from tree to tree they were being annoying. They were chattering about something which I tuned them out. We finally entered the land of snow and only a day or two we will arrive on the destination.
"We should came here there is blizzard coming and we don't want to dragged our frozen ass on the battle field" I said and pointed at the cave
"You do have a point" Pervy Sage said
"Why don't Team Akemi find some fire wood and food and let team Jiraiya set up?" I said, Daisuke grunted in annoyance. Of course he is a Uchiha he doesn't like to be ordered around.
"Right!" Me and my team spread out.
Not too long after that Kushina was cooking the fish over the fire. Of course she didn't brought a hood or coat with her so Daisuke and Minato tried to give their coat to her. My eye twitch in annoyance at the constant bickering. Since Phoenix was so kind and she lend me her warm using my hair as it glowed and it was warm when you touch it. I removed my cloak and went to Kushina and me being me shoved it in her face.
"You constant bickering is giving me a headache, dattebayo. Other than that you might attract unwanted attention so shut before I make you" I growled. So basically I don't have any more jacket or sweater just my normal clothes.
Since the skirt stops just below my thigh and my ninja sandals only covered my feet I was showing too much skin than intended (her clothes are like the ones Akemi wore in Akane ga Kill but red version). The boys blushed before looking away while Jiraiya was staring dreamily and his nose were bleeding.
"Tsk. Boys" I rolled my eyes and went to the entrance to keep watch.
I let my wave thigh length crimson red hair down as it was swishing side by side with the harshness of the wind along with my white scarf with flame swirls on it. I stood there and keep watch as the others were either sleeping or talking. This is going to be a long mission
Akane's POV
I stared at Akemi sensie's back. She is beautiful and strong. I mean she became a sannin at 12 AND our sensie not to mention she's a year younger than us. Her long reddish orange hair swished back and forth as she stood by the entrance, her guard up and she was gazing intensely at the blizzard.
She's my role model. A girl I want to look up to as an example. I heard the rumors that she is the top student in the academy, and she knows a lot of high ranked jutsu and she could fly using chakara which is unheard of, no one shinobi can fly except the Sage of the Six Path but still.
I looked at the others as we huddle around the fire for more warmth. We talk about things randomly.
"So what do you think about Akemi as your sensie?" Jiraiya asked, I grinned at the question
"I think it would be amazing! I heard rumors that she knows high ranked jutsu"
"Yeah and she is so cool, I have seen her around the village before and base on her aura that is telling them to back off and leave me be is just funny and cool" Akahana said while having a flashback.
"At first I was annoyed since our sensie is a year younger than us but when I heard her name I was kind of surprise about it. When I heard about the rumors around the village I was having second thoughts and realised there are more stronger nins out there but younger than us and Akemi sensie is the proof to that theory so I have highly respect if her" Akahoshi said.
I snuggled to my sleeping bag abit longer. Its so cold how does sensie do it? She stood in the entrance not even shivering on her lack of clothes. That's another mystery from Konoha's Crimson Flame......
Minato's POV
Its my turn to keep watch. I got up from my sleeping bag. Hm the fire already died down resulting the cave to grow colder than intended. Akemi walked in with some fire wood and lit it up just by looking at it. Now that's cool. I can see why she deserved to be ranked up higher, she barely used hand signs and it take a lot of concentration for it to master and she was very fluent at it.
"You should get some sleep, Namikaze san. I'll stood watch" she said monotonously
"But you didn't sleep all night you should get some rest" I protest
"Its okay. I do not need to sleep, I don't sleep....most of the time. I'm use to it by now, dattebayo" she said, I sighed and laid back ony sleeping bag.
I watched her walked around the cave kneeling on each members and whispered something in their ears. I pretend to fall asleep as she neared me.
"In the name of the flame of the Mighty Phoenix. I cast thee spell to melt the ice and send you warmth" she whispered some sort of spell than a jutsu while touch my chest, suddenly I don't feel the cold.
I feel warm like I was standing in the light of the sun. Is was slowly start to fall asleep with the new warmth around me, what kind if jutsu is this? Who and what are you Akemi Uzumaki, why did you suddenly spark my interest?

The Crimson Flame Of Konoha
FanfictionBlazing red eyes stared at its target. Watching in anticipation as the person in front of her burned before saying her name no rather her title ....... Crimson Flame....... left from his mouth before he was no more than a pile of ash. The said perso...