Chapter 1- Every story's beginning

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Ashley's P.O.V

"Ashley! Hailey! Do all the horses have water?" my instructor, Vanessa, yells. Hailey and I dismount the arena fence and split up to check how much water each of the horses and ponies in the tie-ups have. Because it's raining at the moment, no-one can ride, and the indoor arena is being used by an agister. 

I'm Ashley. My friends and I all ride at the Victorian Equestrian Center, or VEC.  I pick up two buckets and carry them over to the tap. Hailey's already there, with one refilling and two more next to her. 

"Kinda sucks that it's raining, doesn't it?" I ask, stretching my left shoulder. Hailey shrugs, replacing the full bucket with an empty one. 

"Yeah, but at least we got to jump before it started. You were awesome, by the way. You controlled Shamrock so well." she replies. Hailey and I decided to do a horse swap this week. My horse, Zayn, is an eleven year old jet black thoroughbred, who has no white markings except a cream-colored streak in his forehead. I've never understood why he has that. It's completely natural, because no matter how many times I wash him, it doesn't come out. 

"Tap's free." says Hailey, picking up two of the full buckets and carrying them to the outdoor tie-ups without the slightest hint of struggle. I quickly fill the buckets and carry them out to Shamrock and Zayn.

"Heavy heavy heavy heavy!" I pant as speed walk through the rain and set them in front of the two horses. I sigh and massage my fingers once I've put them down. 

"Thank god." I mumble, leaning on Zayn's shouder. He whinnies in response, nudging me with his nose. 

"Love you." I sigh, rubbing his soft nose. His whiskers tickle my hand, and I giggle. 

"Miss riding him?" asks Hailey. I nod, sliding my hand under his mane and working out the tangles. 

"I can ride him on Wednesday, I guess. At least I get to smell him." I giggle, burying my face in his long mane and inhaling. Hailey sighs, but I can tell she's supressing a laugh. He smells really good, actually. Horse is the best smell ever. Except maybe the real Zayn Malik. I bet he smells good. 

"Thanks you two." says Vanessa's voice behind me. I turn around to face her, and see a white van pull into the parking lot. Sarah, one of my other friends, comes over to us and jumps onto the edge of Zayn's tie-up. 

"That van looks weird." she says, playing with his forelock. Vanessa looks over at the parking lot and nods. 

"I gotta go check on the little kids. You guys just- don't burn down the tie-ups." she says, walking away. 

"Can't make any promises, it's the perfect weather conditions!" I tease as she laughs. 

The van door opens, and Sarah leans forward in anticipation. I pick up my showerhead brush and run it through Zayn's mane.

"Ashley." says Hailey, strangely calmly and monotonously.

"Mmhmm?" I ask, swapping the showerhead brush for a soft body brush and run it across his back.

"Ashley?" asks another voice. I drop my brush and spin around. Zayn flattens his ears and stomps his foot, clearly nervous.

"You- you are-" I stutter, making him laugh. I blink quickly, a few tears spilling from my eyes despite my best efforts to keep them in. I place a shaky hand over my mouth and grab the edge of Zayn's tie-up with the other. His friends come up behind him, looking at Zayn, snorting nervously, Hailey, wide-eyed and shocked, Sarah, laughing at Hailey and I's reactions, and me, crying and smiling and almost fainting. Actually, I am a little lightheaded. 

"Are you crying?" asks Hailey. 

"Don't cry. I'm here." he says soothingly, pulling me in for a hug. I collapse into his arms, relying on him and solely him to keep me standing there as I sob into his shoulder. 

"Why are you guys here? And how do you know my name? And how-" he cuts me off by placing his hand over my mouth, laughing gently. 

"Don't worry, I'll explain everything."


A/N: So I did a huuuuuuuge edit and this is how it turned out! You like? Anyway I'm gonna do things like this to all the chapters, make the characters a little different, change up the plot, (not a lot) and introduce new people. Hope you like it!

Bye my sexy unicorns :) (That's now my name for you guys. If you have a better one please leave a comment) 

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