Chapter 4- Surprising couples and forbidden kisses

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Chapter songs- (yes I started doing chapter songs) 

Secrets- OneRepublic

When you're gone- Avril Lavigne

Niall's P.O.V

Ashley looks at me with an adoring smile as we climb into the van. I quickly sit in Liam's seat so I can be next to her, he gives me a look but sits next to me.

She's so sweet. It's adorable how shy she is, but I wish she was more comfortable with me. I also wish Liam hadn't interrupted us, I bet she'd be a great kisser. 

Ashley pulls her mini iPad out of her backpack and opens the Twitter app. She types a hashtag into the search bar and starts scrolling down the tweets. She switches her iPad off after a few minutes and leans her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes.

"Tired?" I ask her, then mentally smack myself. No shit Niall, that's why she's trying to sleep.

"Mmhmm." she mumbles, leaning off me to pull her bright pink hair to her right side. "Riding really takes it out of you. I'm starving."

"Me too." I laugh, putting an arm around her. She stiffens initially, but relaxes and closes her eyes again.

After she appears to be sleeping soundly, Liam nudges me.

"Hey, what gives?" he asks. Here it comes...

"What?" I say, feigning innocence.

"With Ashley. You like her, don't you?" It's more of an accusation than a question. I look down at the sleeping girl in my arms.

She's so beautiful.  I gently run my thumb over the slight crinkles on her forehead.

"I'll take that as a yes. Listen Niall, she'll go for you. She'd go for any of us. I'm really sorry to tell you, but she's wanted any given one of us for years. So until you figure out who her favourite is, just don't get your hopes up." Liam says. Every word he says makes me more and more insecure. I look at Ashley again. She looks more peaceful now, more content. She looks so comfortable with me, I can only hope she feels it too. Enough so she tells me her favourite, although I have a hunch it's Zayn.

"I think it's Zayn." I tell Liam, who isn't paying any attention whatsoever.

"What about Zayn?" Zayn, who has his earbuds in, takes them out.

"Her favourite. I think she's a Zayn girl." I say with a heavy heart. Coming to that conclusion in my head hurt, but saying it aloud is so much worse.

"Me too." says Zayn, but he doesn't look happy. "I feel sorry for her. I wish I could make her happy, but I can't. Anyway Niall, don't get upset. It might be you."

"I wonder what you're thinking." I mumble, too quietly for anyone to hear but the sleeping Ashley. "And how you feel about me."

Her eyes flutter open, and she looks around, disoriented.

"Niall?" she asks, looking around. She tilts her head up to look at me. "Hi."

"Hey." I say. I love her Australian accent, she would probably argue that I'm the one with the accent, in her accent. I smile at the thought.

"You're very comfortable." she says, sitting herself back up. I'm so glad she's more comfortable with me- in many ways. "But in a good way."

"I couldn't take it badly." I smile at her. She returns the smile, her eyes glowing.

"You're very sweet." she says. My heart swells.

"Dammit." she sighs when her phone starts to ring.

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