Chapter 5- A painful combination

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Chapter songs-

Stupid Love- Jason Derulo

Ashley's P.O.V

Oh no no no no no no no.

Liam is standing on the door way, a look of pure disbelief on his face. 

Zayn keeps swiveling his head from me, to Liam, to me again. His hands don't leave my hips, instead his thumbs rub circles on my hipbones and I feel like taking his face in my hands and kissing him again.

How could I have let this happen?! I shouldn't have let my love for Zayn get in the way of a possible relationship with Niall. Zayn's engaged, the kiss was obviously a spur of the moment thing. 

 "Liam, mate, it's not what it looks like." Zayn explains as he drops his hands from my hips, making Liam raise his eyebrows and me confirm the fact that it meant less than nothing.

"You heard him." I say. Albeit bitter, I was still going to defend Zayn in anyway I could.


Because I'm an idiot and I love him, a painful combination. I step away from Zayn and walk towards Liam. 

"Can we talk?" I ask him. He nods and gives Zayn a look.

He leaves. 

"Are you okay Ashley? You've been acting really... strange." he says. Despite my current internal battle between Zayn and Niall, I have to laugh at that, because in general I am strange. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just... this is my dream come true, so I'm a bit unsettled." I explain. 

He laughs. "What, meeting us or sleeping in the same bed as Zayn?" he asks. I swat at his arm, surprised at the firmness of his biceps.

"Whoa, them muscles." I say in awe. He smirks. holding out his arm. I squeeze his upper arm gently, my eyes widening. 

"How is that even possible?" I ask, mostly jokingly but also a little bit seriously. I have strong arms from riding and boxing, but they're nothing like Liam's. 

"Anyway, I wanted to tell you something." I say, shifting the mood to serious. Liam nods and withdraws his arm. 

"Well, erm, this is pretty hard for me to say, but um." I don't know why I'm so ashamed, Liam's the nicest guy I've ever met. It should be easy to tell him I'm bisexual.

"It's okay Ashley, just say it." Liam coaxes. I look toward the door to check no-one's within earshot, and turn back to Liam. 

"I'm bisexual." I whisper to him. His face relaxed and he starts laughing, prompting me to launch into defence mode.

"What the hell is so funny?!" I whisper angrily. Liam, sensing that he's gone too far, composes himself and grabs my hands in his. 

"I'm sorry, the way you said it made it sound like something much worse. You just like girls. And guys. So what? I thought you were going to say you were se.x.ually attracted to me or something. That would've been pretty weird." He explains. 

"Ohhhhh, okay. Thanks. Also, Riley, who I was speaking to in the car, is my girlfriend but  we sort of had an agreement that if either one of us had a chance with any of you we'd mutually call it off, but I don't know if I want to do that. What do you think I should do?" I ask, lying down on the side of the bed with Zayn's belongings on the bedside table next to it. It smells like him. 

"Wow. Okay. Erm, in principle you shouldn't leave someone for someone better, but it really depends on your feelings. What does your heart say?" he asks.

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