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6: Lily

The rest of homeroom continued without further incident.

Jacob sat behind me, next to Sierra, but I could tell he wasn't paying attention to her. I knew he kept staring at me, but I ignored him.

When the bell rang, I made a beeline to the door, not stopping for any small talk. I didn't bother to zip up my backpack fully, or push in my chair.

Just as I started to turn the doorknob, my textbooks and flyaway papers flew out and tumbled onto the floor. Anxiously, I tried to gather all my things, and kept apologizing for the people who had to step over me.

"Lemme help you."

I didn't even look up at the person who was helping me, I was just grateful they were helping me. I didn't want to look up either, I was too focused on picking up my things and leaving. 

But just as the person and I grabbed the same notebook, I was forced to look up. 

I almost groaned.

What was with me and running into cute boys?

It felt like some sort of curse.

"Thanks." I finally let out. Common courtesy, right?

He smiled at me, handing me my stray notebook. I couldn't help but notice he had the cutest smile.


Did I just...

What did I...


"I'm Brandon, if you're wondering." He introduced himself.

"I was wondering." I look down at my feet and brush a lock of hair out of my eyes. "I'm Lily, by the way."

"Lily." He repeats, nodding his head. "Lily...Taylor, right?" 

"Yeah," I said simply, resting my hand on my elbow.

"I've seen you around."

"And perhaps you will again," I smile and then blush, handing him a slip of paper with my number on it. "I'll try to spot you."

I rushed out the door, just as the second bell rang, feeling my cheeks heat up.



(damn, you get it, gurl)

you guys are the best for literally reading this far!

you have no idea how much a writer loves her readers 😘

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