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"Oh, really?"

Me and Jacob were in our usual place that we go every weekend. We were on the top of an abandoned house roof with ice cream next to us. It was the deep night, and I wasn't allowed to go out this late, but I knew my mom liked Jacob.

I turned to his confused face, and smiled.

"Yeah, Brandon was sweet and stuff, and we're kind of a thing so..." I said, looking at Jacobs confused face.

"You really want to go with Brandon?" Jacob asked, putting an emphasis on 'Brandon.'

"I thought you guys were friends." I crossed my arms.

"We are..." He trailed off, causing an awkward silence.

I broke it by laughing, before sweeping my finger across his cheek. "I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously with that ice cream stain on your cheek."

He smiled and laughed with me, but that only lasted a few seconds when he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"You are so adorable, Lily."

"I know."

I looked at him, and sort of started to just stare. The brown hair, the hazel eyes, the-

When I snapped back to my senses, I cringed a little in my head, knowing Jacob threw the words "cute", "adorable", and "pretty" a lot, especially to others girls obsessing over him. After the whole breakup thing, he sort branched out into his real self.

And that self was being flirty. And there were lots of advantages and disadvantages to that self.


The next few weeks consisted of freaking out and trying out dresses with Violet. We weren't ones to go all out Sierra with a Versace ball gown, but my mom let us spend around $160 so that meant a pretty nice dress. And since Violet's mom gave her only $80, we split it resulting in around $120.

Math, I know.

It didn't take long for us to find a nice dress and cheap shoes.

Violet got all decked out in a long silver dress with purple rhinestones and matching shoes.

However, I wore a plain teal dress that went up mid-thigh. Like I said, I didn't like school dances. I desperately wanted to wear my Adidas, but Violet persuaded me to wear silver heels. I had to get used to walking in them.

When the dance rolled around; I sort of got...excited?

Everyone was coming over to our house; Brandon, Violet and her "date", and Jacob and Emily.

Or should I say Sierra in disguise?

I didn't feel comfortable telling Jacob about Emily, but I knew I had to just get him away from her as possible. I knew if I told him he wouldn't believe me.

Brandon arrived first wearing the stereotypical black and white suit; by what can I say he looked so adorable. He came with flowers and I think I almost started to cry. Of happiness, of course.

The next came was Violet and her "date". She was holding his arm but I could tell she was thinking that she was getting Ebola or something.

After came Jacob and Emily; who were a little late but I was too excited to care.

Jacob first came in and greeted my mom, thanking her for inviting him. "Thanks, for inviting me Mrs. Taylor. I promise I won't be a huge burden-"

"No, no, Jacob just call me Anne." My mom laughed, as Jacob smiled and walked away. I smiled at my mom as she mouthed, 'He's so sweet!'

I turned from my mom as Jacob approached me.

"Lily, hi...you look so..." Jacob greeted me. I've never seen him this nervous before.

"So gross...or..?" I laughed, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.

"No, the opposite actually. Just...wow-"

He paused when we both heard a loud cough from behind us. The owner of that cough belonged to Jacob's date.

Striking green eyes and ebony-colored hair, Emily looked gorgeous in her dress that matched her eyes.

Was that jealousy?


"Oh, yeah, Lily this is Emily, Emily this is Lily." Jacob said, arm wrapped around Emily. E looked uncomfortable.

Emily smiled at me but I could tell by her emerald eyes that she probably wanted to kill me.

I smiled back, not knowing what to do.

Emily turned to Jacob. "Ugh, I need to re-curl my hair. It's all crunchy. I'll be right back."

Then Emily went to my mom. "Um, Anne, do you have a hair curler?"

Through my mom's gritted teeth,

I could tell she didn't like her. "Please, Emily. Call me Mrs. Taylor."

Emily frowned. "So...hair curler?"

"No curler here, sweetheart." My mom clenched her fists, although I already knew we had two hair curlers in our house.

There was a tense silence; well, besides Emily loudly scoffing.

"Alright, then." She sighed dramatically. "Can we just, like, go now?"

One picture flash and sigh later, we all packed in my mom's nice mini van (yes I know, embarrassing,) and drove off, while I watched Emily fondled Jacob like he was a puppy.

Nevertheless, he was as cute as a puppy.

But I could tell that his was going to be a long night.

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