Traveling with Brantley

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Brantley POV

When Savannah said she would go with me my heart jumped and I couldn't stop smiling. I told her I would follow her in my truck and then we could come back to the bus and after we left Orange Beach I would bring her back home. I take her to her vehicle and I follow her to her house. We pull up to a nice house and Savannah gets out and opens the door and invites me inside turning off her alarm system. I follow her inside and she tells me to come talk to her as she packs an overnight bag.

Savannah POV

   He asks me to go with him to Orange Beach for his show tomorrow night and I agreed. I'm not ready to tell him goodbye and he says he isn't either. Sooooo road trip! I grab a bag and start to pack when Brantley said," it will just be you and me and my driver on the bus after we eat. The boys will probably bombard us until we eat and then go to their bus to sleep."
I tell him," that's fine I loved your band so I figure they haven't changed that much. And food sounds great!"
"Well I hope it won't make you uncomfortable Savannah, I just wanted you to know that I have the queen size bed in the back but the couch is comfortable and it makes into a bed also. I'm not sure if you had thought about that part yet but I wanted to reassure you." He says.
    "I know that you are a gentleman Brantley that you treat women with respect and that hasn't changed in six years. Besides you don't grow up with my dad and his boys without learning to take care of yourself." I tell him.
   "What do you mean by that last statement about your dad?" Brantley asks.
    "Well my dad is a Navy Seal stationed in Coronado. He made sure as did every one of his guys that I knew how to take care of myself and that I could protect myself if I needed to with my hands, with guns and with knives. I guess perks of the trade."  As I give him this last bit of information his eyebrows jump up and he said," your dad is a navy seal?"

I smile ," yeah he's a lifer. Been in and out of my life over the years. My mom and I lived here to keep me from having to move so much and dad came home when he wasn't on a mission or needed on base. Does that make a difference?"

"Darlin I would be lying if it didn't make me sit up and take notice cause I know that if I step out of line he could make me disappear. But then I look at you and I know I'm not letting you go again without seeing how this plays out between us." Brantley said.

I go back to packing my bag and I feel Brantley come up behind me and he places his hands on the dresser on each side of me as he picks up a pair of cut offs that were sitting on top and said," take these for the concert tomorrow. It's summer at the beach and you don't need jeans , you need shorts or a sundress." His breath on the back of my neck made chill bumps appear on my arms. My breath caught as he places a hand on my hip and leaned down next to my ear and said," please Savannah" In that moment my knees wanted to buckle and I would have given him anything with him asking like that. 
I whisper," okay"  he squeezes my hip and sits back down on my bed as I finish packing up a pair of jeans, some tank tops, Nike shorts, tennis shoes, flip flops  a couple of  t shirts, swimsuit, underwear and socks. I go into my bathroom and grab my travel size toiletries. I turn to look at him as I zip up my overnight bag and said," I'm ready"
"That all you need?" He asks.
"Yeah  I mean it's overnight so technically I really packed to much but I do like to have options besides someone wanted me to pack my cutoffs."

"Yes, yes I did. I have gotten glimpses of those legs and I want to see them, so I am not above asking for what I want."  He looked at me so intently and I couldn't think of anything to say back.
Brantley grabbed my bag and said," let's load up and get back cause they are almost ready to pull out." He takes my hand and leads me to his truck and opens the door and helps me in before going to his side of the truck and loading my bag in the back seat behind him.
   As we pull in PJ meets us to load the truck on the trailer and Ben looks to Brantley and me and asks," Are you going on the road with us Savvy?"
  "Just to Orange Beach and then back home." I tell him. The band loads onto BG's bus and we follow behind them. Brantley takes my bag to the back and I look at Ben and say," y'all have moved up in the world in the past six years ."  Brantley comes back and tells me I am sitting in his chair. I stand up and he pulls me down into his lap. I get comfortable and I feel like I have always been in his arms.  He settles back and lights a cigarette and I ask ,"whose gonna fill me in on Brantley these past six years?"
Ben said," we will do that later we want to know about you"
" well I finished school, passed my boards, worked as an ER nurse, got my masters degree and went on to become a Nurse Practioner with a specialty in pediatrics and trauma. Then I got a job at Children's on the oncology floor where I am now."

" that sounds like you did all you set out to do when we last saw you. Before the show you said you have seen us but that we haven't seen you. So how many times?"
I laughed," I saw y'all every year except 2011 and that year I had so much going on with work and school and spending time in California with my mom and dad."
Brantley squeezed my hip and he knows that must mean something.
   "What shoes did you see?" Jesse asked.
" I saw Toby Keith in Red Rock Casino, Bossier City, Louisiana, Georgia Dome with KC, so I have seen you all over. And Ben you owe me $100"
Brantley laughs," I forgot that y'all made that bet, you said we would make it big in 5 years and Ben said 10"
Ben said," I guess I do don't I"
  About that time we pull into Waffle House and they all pile off. Brantley pulls me back against him as I start to get up and whispers in my ear," I am glad that I don't have to share you after we eat." 

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