Late night early morning

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Brantley POV

    What the hell?! Did I hear her right? Did she say that I take her breath away and that she's glad it was me?  All I want to do is go in that bedroom and continue this talk and find out what she means by that. I know she is tired and I was to but not now. I fix the bed and pull out my guitar and just start strumming not really paying attention to what I was playing. Thinking about that girl in the next room laying in my bed wrapped up in my sheets and it has caused my dick to get hard. All I can think about is those tan legs and painted pink toes and how she traced my tattoos. Whoooo! That girl knows how to turn me on not even meaning to, it wasn't like she was trying. Lord knows I know what that feels like this was just Savannah being herself. I don't even think she knew she was tracing my tattoos when we were talking. She has been broken and that kills me to see the hurt and her guard up. Savannah six years ago had a sparkle in her eye that has dimmed a little. Like she's afraid to open up for fear of getting hurt. And that tattoo of my signature well that is just damn hot!! I want her not just for one night but I'm terrified, it's like I knew six years ago that one night would never be enough. Hell she may not want me like that but I have a feeling she does. I catch what I am playing and it's Let it Ride. Our one night gave me the spark for that song. Talking with her tonight makes me want to throw it all out the window and jump but I'm scared that little lady scares the hell out of me. I think I knew that six years ago and that is why I didn't push getting her number. I set the guitar down and get up and grab some water. As I am leaning against the sink chugging the water I hear the door open and I turn around...Savannah is standing there in the doorway in just a tshirt . She stops and her eyes go wide when she sees me in just my underwear. I raise my eyebrow and ask ," everything okay darlin ?"
She nods her head yes and takes a step toward me and finally said," I woke up and was gonna get some water." I move to the side and open the fridge and pull out a bottle and hand it to her, my fingers touch hers as she reaches for it and it's like a bolt of lighting hits me in the gut. Savannah gasps and drops the water and quickly bends over to pick it up and I see that scrap of lace that she calls underwear and my friend goes to full attention. I turn around and take a deep breath gripping the counter top telling myself to do the right thing and not turn back around and was doing a great job until I felt a touch on my arm and heard," Brantley"
I turn around and Savannah is standing there looking at me with those blue eyes and her long blonde hair messed up and all I can think about is pulling her into my arms and running my hands over those curves and making her moan my name. "Yes Savannah" and it came out as a whisper. She runs her hand up my arm and bites her lip and that is all it takes. I pull her into my arms and crush my mouth on hers and she leans into my body and my hands have a mind of their own and travel down her body learning the curves she has. I cup her ass with my hands and she moans into my mouth. I trail kisses down her neck and as soon as I hit the base of her neck she throws her head back and digs her nails into my arms. I run my hands under her shirt and her skin feels like satin. She kisses my chest and runs her hands around my back and slips her hands in my underwear and grabs my ass. I groan when she does that and she pulls back and stops, looking at me with this shocked and hurt expression on her face. I try to pull her into my arms and she turns and heads back to the bedroom and shuts the door. I follow and knock on the door and call her name. " baby tell me what's wrong. I'm sorry if I got carried away and scared you but I can't fix what I did wrong if you don't tell me. I never meant to move so fast but with you I just couldn't help myself."
She opens the door and says," You didn't scare me and you didn't do anything wrong it was when you moaned I realized I was doing something wrong and it just hit me he wasright I have no idea what I am doing or what pleases a man and that I am awful at intimacy." The tears were rolling down her face and I picked her up and took her to my bed and held her and I told her," He was an asshole, if he never got that fire and electricity out of you then baby he was doing it wrong. I have never moaned someone's name from some kisses and my ass being grabbed. I promise you Savannah one day I will show you exactly what your body can do and what you can do to me. I think we both agree that was moving a little fast for us but I won't say I'm sorry because I'm not. I loved every minute of you in my arms. Sooo why don't you settle down and we will both get some sleep."
  She looked up and me and said," only if you promise to hold me tonight"
   I kissed her head and pulled her onto my chest and she settled in and the last thing I am thinking was how right this feels.

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