Emotions and Exes

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Savannah POV

As he looked at my tattoos he placed his hand on my rib cage and it covered half the front and the back. He has gotten bigger in 6 years. I just want to be in his arms when he touches me. I show him the Navy Seal trident that I got when Chris was killed in honor of him and my dad and all who do the things that keep us safe. I hear Cole's Middle of a Memory and I tell him that song reminds me of our night. He asks me to dance and as the song ends he kisses me. I sigh and he invades my mouth and I thought about his kisses for 6 years but it is so much better than I remembered. He takes my breath away.
He pulls back and sits down in his chair pulling me down with him. He never put his shirt back on so I start tracing his tattoo on his chest. RESPECT I ask him ," what does this mean to you and why get it?"
"Well it's a reminder that when I look in the mirror every morning that a little respect goes a long way that I need to give respect to others as well as get respect and it goes hand in hand together. Also it serves another meaning, if I am about to throw down and fight the shirt is coming off and if I don't have your respect I'm about to get it with my fists." He tells me.
I smile and say," do you fight much anymore?"
He laughs," no not really I mean I ain't afraid to fight but I have realized with out the drinking I am more clear headed and I don't need to fight as much. Although there are some things that I will throw down and whoop ass no questions asked."
I laugh and say," if a man puts his hands on a woman in your presence or if they mess with your family"
He laughs," you got it darlin'"
" So tell me about you now that you are a nurse practitioner" he said.
"Not a lot to tell I pretty much work all the time and before that it was school and work all the time." I tell him.

" So you still don't date? Did he really do that bad a number on you cause where I am standing, it's his loss and baby you got everything a man could want in a woman" he says in my ear. I shiver and get goosebumps when he talks in my ear like that.

" no I don't date, no one I have met is worth my time. I am not looking for a hook up or a casual friends with benefits relationship. I saw what my mom and dad have and I told myself I wouldn't settle for anything less. After my fiancé cheated I just threw myself into my work when I cleaned up, and you are so right it is his loss and he realizes that but it was to late. She actually did me a favor at least I wasn't married to him. What about you, does 2 broken engagements make you not want to think about settling down?"

"I understand the whole not wanting casual thing or hookups. You would think that it would make me gun shy but I honestly feel that there would be not hesitation when the right one comes along but then again I don't know, it's scary to think that you think you know someone and then they change and you see what was just a front. I'm glad that I didn't marry too."

" I guess that means we are the last of a dying breed. Cause most of the people that I work with that are single think I am crazy for feeling that way."

"I hear ya a lot of the people in the business that are single think of it as one big sex fest when you go on the road. And I guess I did too at one time. Not proud of it but won't say that I didn't have hook ups but never when I was in a relationship that is one thing that hasn't changed about me."

" What happened? Cause I know that we felt something that night but I also know from your songs and interviews over the years, you loved her. And I say loved cause you don't have the same look in your eyes when you say her name or talk about her. From the outside looking in it looked like you two had it all"

" I guess it would look that way because I honestly did think I had it all. She was the one who got away or so i thought. But then we started fighting when I would tour. She wanted me home and I couldn't just quit. I asked her to go with me and she refused or if she did she griped about my hours. Wanted me to clean up my image some and not be known as an outlaw and go more mainstream and that ain't me ain't never gonna be me. I'm the what you see is what you get Guy and then the kicker is I found out that she was still married. I knew she had married but she came back home and heard I was sober wanted to get together for old times sake. I did that she told me she left because of abuse. I had all intentions of being single for life and she blew it out of the water. I proposed and she accepted but didn't think it was important to tell me that she was still married until I got served papers to appear in court for being the reason her marriage fell apart. Blindside wasn't the word. So I called it off. I was okay knowing she had been married I mean I was in no way shape or form ready to be a good husband cause of the alcohol and pills at that time. But to know that you were still married not legally able to marry me and she accepted anyway. Her reasoning was that she would be divorced before we married so it wasn't a big deal didn't feel the need to tell me. I felt betrayed and she couldn't see my reason for feeling betrayed. We were on the verge of falling out of love and that pushed it over. I don't think true love tries to change people not who they are at the core. Now if you want to change some things to improve a person yeah but who they are inside then no. Besides if you love someone I feel like that you would want to be a better man/ woman for them. Be the best you that you can be."
  " that makes a lot of sense when you put it that way and yeah if they cheat with you they will cheat on you has always been my motto. I guess that is another reasons I don't date. People lie and I invest in people and end up getting my heart broken. Now I know you and she's crazy for letting you go and not being honest."

   "So how do you feel about me?" He asks me and I just freeze in his arms. Do I tell him how he makes me feel? Do I take a chance? Or do I just ignore the question?

  "I'm waiting Savvy"

I look at him and I say," you were hot before but you sir are a very dangerous combination and I'm not exactly sure how I feel about you."

  "Well darlin I am just gonna lay this on the line for you. I like you and that hasn't diminished in 6 years, in fact seeing you takes my damn breathe away."  He tells me in his low rough voice as he traces my lips with his finger. He takes his thumb and presses on the bottom lip before he takes it into my mouth nibbling and biting my lips for entrance. He kisses me soft and sensual before he pulls back and said," it's 6 am and we both need some sleep, so I will get the sheets and give you my bedroom while I sleep out here.
   Savannah sighs and nods her head getting up and heading to the back of the bus. She stops and says," you take my breathe away Brantley and I like that feeling when it's you."  With that she walks through the door and closes it leaning against it knowing that he can break her heart without a doubt.

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