Beach Day

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  Savannah POV

    I wake up and I realize that I can't move because I am wrapped up in Brantley's arms. I just lay here waiting and enjoying the feel of being held. I feel protected and cared for and I have missed that. I really didn't feel that with my ex but it was nice not waking up alone when we were together, not that it happened that much. I guess that should have been my first clue that he was cheating, never wanting me to stay over or him stay at my house. There is no comparison to him and Brantley on how I feel. Gah the man holding me makes me feel like I am on fire and about to spontaneously combust by just looking at me or talking to be especially when he whispers in my ear. I need to pull it together and get my mind elsewhere cause I feel the wetness start to form between my legs. Brantley pulls me closer into his body and that is when I feel him. His friend is fully awake and standing at attention, and it makes me want to press my ass into him and that tells me it's time to get up.
      As I start to get up the bedroom door flies open and Ben yells," BG it's time ..." he just stops and looks at us in the bed. Brantley sits up and says," out Ben get out and whatever you need give me 5 minutes and I will be there."
Ben turns and walk out and Brantley pulls me  back into his arms and kisses my head. He says," I need to find out what he needs but then we can decide what we are gonna do today since we are at the beach."
  I kiss his cheek and tell him," I think we need to head to the beach after all I brought my swimsuit." He smirks," okay Savvy we will do that and I am betting that is what the guys want to do too. So go get ready and we will head to the beach."  I get up and get my things together heading for the bathroom when I look and see Brantley headed to the front in just his underwear, I swear that man is a walking sex machine. Get it together Savannah and quit acting like you are a sex deprived teenager. I jump in the shower and get out putting on my string bikini and my coverup. I braid my hair so it will be controlled if the wind blows and out of my face. I grab my cap and put it on and I am ready for the beach. I walk into the kitchen and grab some water and an apple and Brantley and Ben look up. Ben smiles and said," beach today boss?"
Brantley said," yeah for a bit anyways"
"Cool I will go tell the guys" Ben said as he headed off the bus and he turned back and said,"so are there any little BG's or Sav's gonna be running around in 9 months?"
Brantley growls and I pick up an empty water bottle and throw it hitting Ben and I yell "no Mr Smartass here aren't we didn't do anything so keep your mouth shut."
Ben laughs and said," well technically y'all did sleep together but I don't believe that y'all were on the bus all alone and you didn't do anything so whatever. See you in 30 minutes"

   Brantley came back to me and kissed my cheek and said in my ear," I don't call me kissing you and learning your curves not to mention you getting a handful of my ass nothing "
  He walk to the bathroom and I grab some water and gulp it and decide  to check in with my dad. I text him that we made it to Orange Beach and were about to head out for a day of sun and fun. He sent back that he was sorry for overreacting last night and Trigger was punished for his part in it.  I told him I loved him and I would let him know when I got home in tomorrow.

  I folded the sheets and put up the pullout bed while Brantley was getting ready. Just as I finished the band came on the bus and asked if we were ready and Brantley walk out in board shorts and a muscle shirt. The guys start giving him a hard time saying he had chicken legs and he was starting to get mad. I walk over to him and run my hand up his arm and walk behind him and pat his ass and whisper to him,  " So what if your legs aren't big you more than make up for it other places and they are just jealous they can't compare." Brantley growls and said," alright load your dumb asses up if we are gonna go to the beach."

We are at the beach and I take my cover up off and Ben yells," Holy shit you did it you tattooed his signature from 6 years ago"
Brantley and I both laugh at Ben's shocked face. Brantley picks me up and takes off running to the water and throws me in . I come up sputtering and splashing water at him and try to dunk him to no avail.  We play and ride the waves and I go dry off and lay out for a while when Jesse comes up and said,"You are good for him Savannah. He is having fun and smiling so I'm so glad you came to the concert. But I have a feeling the years apart weren't always good for you were they?"
"No they weren't but neither were they for him. That is why we are gonna see how this plays out Jesse. We both have baggage and have to learn to trust one another. " I say.
   Just then Brantley comes up and plops down beside me and I turn to say something and Brantley kisses me on the lips and laughs when he sees my shocked face. I just lay down and close my eyes ignoring it while they talk about tonight's show.
   Brantley calls my name and said," we need to get back for soundcheck darling"
I start to get up and he helps me and we all pile in the trucks heading back to The Wharf to get ready for tonight's concert.  

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