Walk on the Beach

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Savannah POV

PJ walks with me to the beach and he asks,"Savannah you care about Brantley don't you?"
" Yeah I do I'm not sure just where I stand with him and I want to find out that's why I asked him to meet me here. I want to be able to talk alone before we head back and have to say goodbye." Savannah told him.
"Well looks like you will be able to find out cause here he comes. I will see you later." PJ told me.
I look and Brantley has changed clothes and is wearing  black Nike pants and shoes with a muscle shirt and he is making his way to me. He passes PJ and says something that I can't hear and PJ nods his head. Brantley sees me and he smiles. My stomach has butterflies at that smile. He looks relaxed and I am anything but relaxed. I don't want to lose him now that I have found him again but how do I tie this man down? Why would I want to or better yet why would he want to? He reaches me and leans down and pulls me in for a kiss and asks," so what's going on baby?"
I tell him," I want to take a moonlit stroll on the beach with you if that's okay"
He smirks and whispers in my ear," more than okay with me baby"
He gets close and drops his voice and is right next to my ear and I lose all train of thought all I can think about is his body next to me and him touching me ...get a grip Sav, you need to talk and figure this out. 
  I bend over to take my boots off and he runs his hand over my ass and said," I knew asking you to bring those cutoffs was a good idea" he chuckles and I turn red. I stand up and he is still looking and his eyes hold an expression I haven't seen before.   He bends over and pulls his socks and shoes off and rolls his pants up so they won't get wet. He takes my hand and we walk toward the water. He asks," what's on your mind Savvy?"
I look at him and smile ," I just thought it would be a shame to be right here at the  beach and not take a midnight stroll with you, I thought if you were willing we could have that tough conversation of where do we go from here"
  He smiled and said," Baby I want to have this conversation with you but I don't think it is going to be tough. "
" Care to explain that statement Brantley?"

" Well it would be tough if you planned on leaving me like you did last time with no number, no possibility of seeing you again and I for one don't plan on that happening this time around."

" oh okay so what do you plan on happening this time around?"

" Weeellll, I plan on having your number and calling and texting and seeing you when I can get a few days or you coming to see me when you have a few days off. I walked away from you one time before because of timing I won't make that mistake again Savannah"

" Okay that's good because I want all of what you just described but I need to know and you may think this is juvenile since we are adults but I have to have clear definition Brantley, what are we to each other, friends, dating, what do we call it?"
   When I said that he laughed and it pissed me off until he said," Baby, yeah we are friends, and I wouldn't say we are dating cause you sleeping in my bed took us to another level past dating. I call it being in a relationship because if we aren't then that means you are free to see whoever you want and I don't want you seeing anyone else and before you ask I don't plan on seeing anyone else either. I meant it Savannah I felt a connection so strong with you six years ago and it scared the shit out of me. That is why I let you do the whole one night thing. I wanted you then, and that hasn't changed over these last six years. You are in my thoughts and dreams and now in my arms and I am not letting you go without a fight. I know that people are gonna tell you that loving me is a dead end road cause I'm a rollin stone and I can't say that they are totally wrong cause I am set in my ways, they will tell you that you have to be crazy to love me and honestly I wish you would, I know you have to be outta your mind to love me but baby be crazy?"

"Brantley I know that connection was felt by both of us six years ago and at 22 it scared me shitless, too. I had so many dreams and you well I knew I couldn't tie you down. It wouldn't have worked then and is both be able to be happy. We both had to grow up and live life and yeah we both have been broken and faced our own demons and are stronger but I never forgot you or the night I spent dancing in your arms talking about life and just having fun. And yeah some will say it's crazy for me to love you but baby let's both be crazy"

  When I finished he placed his hands on my cheeks and leaned down and touched his lips to mine softly and slowly he took possession of my mouth causing a fire to build in my core he ran his hand slowly down my side pulling me in closer and my arms were on his chest gripping his shirt pulling him closer to me until I slipped one around his neck and pulled his hat off running my hand over his short hair. He moves one hand to my hair slanting our mouths so there was more access and he trails kisses down my jaw to my neck  until he hits my sweet spot and I can't help but catch my breath and gasp. He chuckles against my neck and that causes my nipples to pebble and his hand squeezes my hip when he feels them through my tank top. He nips my neck and continues to kiss and nibble causing me to moan. As his hand slips under the fabric of my shirt and caresses the bare skin above my shorts, his phone starts ringing. He groans and starts to pull it out of his pocket as he rests his face in the curve of my neck.
  He answers with," what, yeah and okay I hear you" He looks at me," well it's time for us to load up on the bus and head back to your place to drop you off."
  " I'm not ready to say goodbye Brantley"
" Baby we aren't gonna say goodbye cause I'm gonna see you again I promise. Besides we have several hours on a bus all alone before we have to part ways"  when he said that I just smiled and kissed him. He pulls me in close and picks me up placing my legs around his waist and it is then that I get a good feel of just how I have affected him. This may not be so bad after all hours alone on a bus with Brantley whatever will we do?

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